Horse chestnut for varicose veins: recipes, treatment of varicose veins, comments

Varicosity – the bane of modern society. Of this disease, suffers more than 70% of the population of our planet, and 20% of them are men. The reasons of this scale, the spread of the disease are many. The cause is a poor diet, obesity, wearing shoes with high heels, etc

Heal varicose veins of the legs is quite realistic. And in this case, we are not only coming from the modern medicine, but popular. It offers us a multitude of recipes for medicines, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood circulation and eliminating the external symptoms of the disease. But, as shown by long years of practice, the best in this area has become a chestnut of Varicosity.

the chestnut varicose veins

The fruits and flowers of this tree are used for the preparation of therapeutic baths, herbal tea, drinks, etc ... and before that you will learn how to cook all of these tools, using horse chestnut against varicose veins, we would like to talk to you about how it works and what are the therapeutic properties has.

Horse chestnut for varicose veins: the healing properties

Chestnut tree (its flowers, and the nucleus) has a very rich chemical composition, thanks to which its application helps to strengthen the walls of small blood vessels, improve the quality of blood and its viscosity. Given these properties, infusions and decoctions of this tree are excellent means of prevention against varicose veins.

In the composition of the horse chestnut has many flavonoids, tannins, vitamin P and сапонина. These substances play an important role in the normalization of blood circulation, the destruction of the atheromatous plaque and the improvement of the tone of the small and medium blood vessels. These properties allow you to use the chestnut for varicose veins in all stages of development of the disease.

In addition, horse chestnut contains in itself and of other useful substances, which have a strengthening action on the whole body in general. They are routines, coumarin, astragalin, lutein and sterol.

Especially popular in the treatment of varicose veins horse chestnut obtained by the esculin and escine. The first contributes to the acceleration of the blood flow through the vessels, the acceleration of the synthesis antithrombin prevents blood clots and has anti-edematous. The second substance (escin) contributes to improving the vascular tone and the liquefaction of the blood, which also prevents the formation atheroma and cholesteric of atherosclerotic plaques on the internal walls of the blood vessels.

In the complex of all these actions, the horse-chestnut on the circulatory system allow active and the success of the fight against vein of the varicose vein. As stated in some sources, the first results of its application are visible after 2-3 weeks.

So, what we get when realize the treatment of varicose veins equus castaneis? And here's what:

  • in the legs appears to ease;
  • stop bothering the oedema of the lower limbs;
  • disappears of itching;
  • the veins become more robust, to acquire the normal size and become less noticeable;
  • improve the overall health (normalizes sleep, work GASTROINTESTINAL, increases resistance to stress, etc).
the chestnut varicose veins how to collect

How to collect chestnut for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs?

Before you begin the treatment of varicose veins, you need to prepare the raw materials for preparing your medication. In addition, how will be established the horse-chestnut, is largely dependent on the success of the treatment.

The leaves and flowers of horse chestnut need to be harvested in the spring. You need to wash them under running water and dry them. And here is the kernel of the chestnut should be collected only when they take the great rounded shape, and do not start to ripen. Ripe kernel of the chestnut used for the treatment of varicose veins is not worth it, because they will be of little use. More mature chestnut, the less useful medicinal substances.

It is to be noted that for the preparation of medicines do not use only leaves, flowers, and the kernel of the chestnut, but its seeds and the bark. For the preparation of infusions often use the kernel of the chestnut. Some recipes require pre-purification of the skin. To remove it, it is quite simple and you can do either the hands (if peeling slightly open), or using a knife.

In regard to the drying of raw materials, and then dry them in a room, and not in full sun. And this should be done over a period of one month, stirring constantly for raw materials. In order to ensure a good circulation of air. If this is not done, your piece may cover the mold, and then use it for the treatment of varicose veins, it will be impossible.

Contra-indications to the use of horse chestnut

Before considering recipes horse chestnut varicose veins, you must immediately report the contra-indications to its use. And it does apply neither to the inside nor to the outside with the following diseases and conditions:

  • the period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • disorders of coagulation;
  • the inflammatory diseases of the GASTRO-intestinal disorders;
  • renal failure;
  • the decrease in blood pressure (hypotension).

When all of these diseases and the state of the application of tinctures, ointments and other therapeutic products to a base of horse chestnut can greatly affect your health.

the chestnut varicose veins, recipes

Horse chestnut for varicose veins: recipes

The treatment of varicose veins chestnut involves the application of a variety of tinctures, ointments and baths. To start I would like it with the tincture of the horse chestnut, it is the most popular and effective in the fight against this disease.

For the preparation of the dyes to the base of the horse chestnut, you must take in about 50 g of hearts, not peeled, place them in a glass jar and pour a glass of rubbing alcohol. The bank necessarily need to close the lid, wrap it in a waterproof fabric and make two weeks in a dark place.

After the dyeing property of infusion, it is necessary to drain and put it in the refrigerator. Such a tool is necessary for 3 weeks at 10-15 drops 2-3 times per day. Then make a week break and a treatment of the dye can repeat again.

Healing of the stain, you can also prepare the flowers of the horse chestnut. To do this, you need to pour in a bottle of dark glass with a handful of flowers (2-3 c. l.), and pour 0.5 liters of rubbing alcohol. Only insist such liquor need 2 weeks and a month. Take its need 50 drops 3 times per day.

When the варикозе very useful juice, pressed from the flowers of horse chestnut. She is taken to the inside of the half of the c. immediately after the meal, they used to grease the affected area of the vein.

At home, you can also prepare your ointment horse chestnut. To do this, you must in a blender, grind 5 kernels and 5 c. l. flowers of chestnut. Then, the mixture need changing in a bowl, pour 0.5 liters of vegetable oil and put over the boiling water. Simmer the tool must be at least 2 hours.

After this mixture, drain, let it cool down to room temperature, pour into a clean container and put it in the refrigerator. Use this ointment can be in one of two ways: it is enough to lube several times in the day dead of vienna, or by making a compress on the night. To do this, apply the ointment in a thick layer on the feet, wrap in several layers of polyethylene and a scarf hot.

Ointment, you can also prepare flowers of chestnut. To do this, you must take the raw materials, mixing it with vegetable oil (1:1) and allow to rest for about 4-6 hours. Then, the mixture, you need to put at the top of the boiling water, cook for several hours, drain, and let cool. Use this ointment may also be, as in the previous case.

It should be noted that these ointments, you can use it for the preparation of therapeutic baths. To do this, take 40 grams already finished treatment and plant in 2 liters of warm water. The solution obtained, it is necessary to lower the feet on 10-15 minutes, then wrap them in a towel and lie down to rest for a few hours. After this bath almost instantly comes out the swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs.

If you have a green bark of the horse chestnut, you can use to treat varicose veins. To do this, take a handful of bark, fill it with a litre of water, simmer for about 10 minutes, let it sit overnight, and after filter and take 1 tablespoon before bed for several weeks.

the chestnut varicose veins ointment

The animals of drugs with equus castaneis of varicose veins are only effective if they are used regularly. In this case, their binding, you need to combine with the medicinal drugs you are being prescribed the doctor.