Ablation of varicose veins: when the alternative is not already

It was all to try, and your surgeon informs you that you need to remove the varicose veins. Do not despair, in fact, sometimes, the surgery, and the truth is the best thing to do. And is not only of agreement on the suppression of varicose veins, but to ask how to prepare for it and how it goes.

Ablation varicose veins – debunk the myths

As with any surgical procedure, with the removal of varicose veins we are trying to take a little longer, do not walk, do not even think. But, alas, the problem is not going anywhere. Process, changing of vienna, are irreversible, and the more we will delay the appointment with the surgeon, the one with the great difficulty we have to deal, in effect, the most important thing at the varicose vein disease. Lose the impossible. Worth the wait dysfunctional decoupling? That prevents us to go to a surgeon?

Ablation of varicose veins

There is a myth that the removal of the veins would impede the future on the bloodstream. This is false. The removal of saphenous veins does not prevent the normal blood circulation and safe for the body, because through the veins under the skin (and it is their strike varicose veins) in the standard takes place no more than 10% of blood. 90% of the venous blood undergoing deep and the so-called interconnection of the veins of the legs.

Another myth says that such an operation are poorly tolerated by the body, which loses a lot of blood, and many of the incisions for a long time to heal, limiting ourselves in the movement. But this is not the case. The progress of away went the prior, and in advanced cases, will not receive even a tenth of the hand of these terrible torments. In addition, in recent years, has received a wide dissemination of the transparent method of removal of varicose veins – removal without incisions, through punctures of the skin. This intervention is particularly productive in the early stages of the varicose disease.

Therefore, if there are indications for surgery, do not delay meetings, because the sooner it is realized, the sooner will come the normalization of blood circulation and the healing of other violations and complications of varicose veins.

Ablation varicose veins – indications and contra-indications

There are a few indications of surgery to remove varicose veins:

  • when large varicose veins:
  • if subcutaneous veins of pathologically advanced;
  • if the varicose veins of the saphenous veins with the fatigue of the feet and the swelling;
  • if on the face of the signs of the violation of the blood flow — a feeling of heaviness, swelling, fatigue of the legs;
  • spider veins are accompanied by ulcers trophic;
  • in the thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of varicose veins.

However, with the indications of the surgery, there are contra-indications. Thus, the operations are not carried out:

  • at an advanced stage of varicose vein disease
  • for high blood pressure
  • when coronary artery disease
  • when the heavy infectious process
  • the elderly sick
  • in the inflammatory process on the feet, eczema, pyodermite, erysipelas et al.
  • do not perform operations during pregnancy.

Also, it is important to remember that during an operation can be used by a variety of drugs, and if you have an intolerance or allergy to drugs, especially on the novocaïne and medicinal preparations yodsoderzhaschie contrast substances, if you take medications, make sure you inform your surgeon.

Ablation varicose veins - how is the operation and what to do after?

Preparation to an operation for the removal of veins is really simple

Spider veins
  • Take a shower,
  • Completely shave the leg on which will be carried out the operation,
  • Before surgery the skin of the feet must be healthy and not have all of the pustular disease,
  • If the operation is planned under general anesthesia, the day before the operation is prescribed mandatory, enema flushing
  • Of the operation, come in the great shoe and clothing.

The operation of removal of varicose veins takes about 2 hours. Following surgery patients of vienna are deleted. The traces on the skin after the ablation of varicose veins are practically not visible in just 3-5 mm During the operation of the varicesm varicose veins apply the anesthesia. In case of bad functioning of the valves of the veins, correction of the failure of the valves, in order to restore the proper flow of blood.

After surgery to the veins is necessary to follow some basic recommendations which elastic compression. After the surgery, the patient is recommended the clock throughout of 1.5—2 months to use an elastic bandage or compression stockings. In addition to the recovery of the function operated feet prescribe venotonic drugs.

Also the first hours after the surgery, it is recommended to turn, to bend the legs, etc, And simple, the bed height of 8-10 cm and improves blood circulation. The day after the operation of the varicose disease is the ligation with the application of the compression shirt or band lastique on the two legs of the fingertips to the knee. Are allowed to walk after the ligation. Also, after the removal of the vein are recommended physiotherapy and a gentle massage of the prevention of thrombus formation. Approximately two weeks should not do aerobics, gymnastics or exercise bikes, as well as access to the sauna and a steam bath. Elastic band compression is necessary still at least 2 months after the release of the weld.