Operation on the veins on the legs – a full list of methods

In these situations, the doctor does not offer a choice other than to remove the affected area superficial veins. And the sooner the better, because procrastination is fraught with the development of serious complications.

the operation in vienna

Dangerous if the operation of removing varicose veins on the legs, what are the methods of combating the disease, and how much does it cost procedure to remove veins when the varicose veins – all of the relevant information in our material.


Usually, the varicose veins affect the veins of the lower limbs. The blood speaks of the laws of physics, as any liquid on the planet under the force of the attraction it suck to the bottom.

But the peculiarity of the working of the cardio-vascular system is for the blood to circulate constantly and was fed to all the vital organs.

Stagnate in the superficial veins of the legs and other members that it does not allow the work of the special valves.

It is the failure of the last is the cause of the reset of the blood of fine veins under the skin of the wall which gradually lose tone, thin and lengthen.

Unfortunately, the back greatly extended superficial veins former aspect is not possible even when the restoration of the functions of the valves.

Their failure may also be the cause of varicose veins, and the consequence of certain states of the body.

Risk factors:

  • pregnancy, more precisely, associated to an increase of blood volume in the body of the future mother, as well as an increase in pressure on the veins of the legs, the part of the uterus with the fruit;
  • a long date – it is the case of those whose profession involves regularly extended static vertical (surgeons, teachers, hairdressers, etc);
  • "sedentary" work is practically the same as the permanent and the parking lot. The firmness of the muscles and veins decreases, the blood stagnates in the legs, the valves cease to function normally;
  • the increase of the load on the feet affects the status of the veins, like the two previous factors;
  • obesity – excess weight greatly increases the load on the heart, vessels and veins. In addition, a layer of subcutaneous fat, it is often difficult to diagnose varicose veins;
  • the age changes with the time venous wall and the valves weaken, lose their tone and lengthen;
  • Accompanies constipation, prostatic hypertrophy, chronic cough is a cause of hemorrhoids and varicocele;
  • the effects of trauma, the comments confirm that this happens often, and the operations on the lower limbs;
  • deep vein thrombosis – not surface, as the false perception of many patients, but it is more deep, – the pressure increases, and blood rushes into the veins under the skin;
  • hereditary pathology, for example, arterial-venous fistula, or fistula;
  • beauty care – vacuum wrap, aggressive massage;
  • the excessive exercise.


When ointments, tablets and a compression garment powerless, the only solution is one exception of the venous system of the legs of his affected by varicose veins sites.

The choice of the type of intervention depends on the form and stage of the disease, the existence of a change of the skin condition and comorbidities.

Phlebectomy (TOP 5 technician)

This is the classic method, and it involves the removal of sites extended veins through the incisions on the skin. Phlebectomy, practiced since the beginning of the 20th century, and to this day, the art of the outfit worn almost to perfection.

The entire procedure lasts 1 to 2 hours and does not require a long stay of a patient in a hospital (in the day).

In most cases, the doctor performs a procedure, it uses several different techniques:

  1. Stripping – from vienna after his strapping and fastening with the special tool. Partial Stripping involves removal partial and full – full. This type of operation for removal of veins on the legs is considered special, because all manipulations are performed through a small incision in the skin, thanks to what you do not need to produce sutures.
  2. Micro-phlebectomy – different from the traditional which is made through holes, it is not incision.
  3. The endoscopic procedure – advanced of the lot is removed after the introduction into the vein of an endoscope, which reduces to a minimum the complications after surgery.

The hardening

In the light of the broad part injected with a special substance, which sticks to the inner wall of the vein, subsequently, it is scar tissue. Sclerotherapy is used to treat not only varicose veins, but the varicocele.

Laser Photocoagulation

Operations on the veins of the legs and the laser is performed without incision of soft tissue. The vein does not need to just pull "weld" special laser beam of optical fibre, introduced by a small puncture.

Many positive comments on the operations on the leg veins at the laser show to a minimum the risk of the occurrence of adverse effects, the rate of recurrence of varicose veins, indeed, it depends on its stage and the reason.

In addition, the patient is already at the end of a few hours after the procedure can lead to the house, because to impose the seams is not necessary.

The doctors say that during impact of the laser beam is possible to write in the body of the infection.

The lasers used in the treatment of small veins from the medical point of view, for example, as telangiectasia, it is the small veins up to 1 millimeter in diameter.

Often requires several processing steps. This method is less effective in the treatment of large varicose veins at an advanced stage.


The doctor compulsory means one or the other type of operation on the veins of the legs in the following situations:

  • the varicosities in a state of surrender, there are in addition to the aesthetical problems, the man to a large extent preoccupied with the pain;
  • the movement of the blood in the veins is difficult, the patient feels definitely the heaviness and pain in the legs, excessive fatigue;
  • vienna pathologically extended;
  • on the skin are lesions trophic nature (for example, non-healing ulcers);
  • bright handicap thrombophlebitis;
  • expressed edemas of members;
  • the violation of the blood flow, which have occurred even in the case of the absence of advanced superficial veins.

If a predisposition to varicose veins the patient is at risk, it is imperative to make prevention:

  1. wear a compression garment;
  2. the use of drugs;
  3. every day consumption of vitamin c, which is sufficient, is a positive effect on the vascular wall and the rheological characteristics of the blood.


Unfortunately, even if the diversity of modern methods of treatment of varicose veins, the procedure of removing pathologically extended sites veins have a number of contraindications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • the severe form of infectious diseases;
  • the presence on the skin of eczema, erysipelas inflammation or dermatitis;
  • the period of pregnancy 5 to 9 months.


the preparation of the operation

The doctor, before designating the quick response, should send the patient on the passage of diagnosis, and then take a decision in agreement with the results of the audit:

  • Doppler ULTRASOUND of veins and vessels;
  • duplex scanning – more of a detailed test, is also indicated to exclude the presence of blood clots in the deep veins;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the procedure – this test can give information on the presence of blood clots in the deep veins;
  • blood analysis, laboratory tests do not allow diagnosis of varicose veins, but necessary, if you want to do the operation.

Just before the holding of the procedure, the patient must:

  1. take a shower;
  2. remove the hair with the operated leg (if necessary, in the region of the groin);
  3. come a little before the hour.

In the case of a classical behavior of an operation that involves a general anaesthetic, the patient to put an enema.

It is extremely important for the anaesthetist was alerted to the presence of the man of the allergies on the medication.

Spider veins you need to make! With the method of surgical treatment help a vascular surgeon. There is a risk in case of failure of the operation? Certainly! Lethal complication of the varicose disease – thrombosis of the vessels of the vital organs of the body, ischemic stroke, thrombosis. The risk of complications increases with age.

All of the methods of varicose veins will help to get rid of the extended saphenous veins and cover their pain. But it should be understood that the duration of the effect after the elimination of the aesthetics of a lack depends on many factors, among which play a particular role heredity and lifestyle.

You must maintain the muscles and the walls of the blood vessels in good shape and the members do not stagnate blood, and try to keep a normal weight, wear comfortable shoes and give up bad habits.