What is the veins of the uterus - causes, symptoms and treatment

The main problem of the disease lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to diagnose. Very often, comes the confusion, when the results of the research indicate a problem with the basin.

varicose veins of the uterus

That is in the risk zone? In the first place, this is a woman of childbearing age. In rare cases, the disease is a concern for adolescents. In senile increase to meet this disease can be even more rare. But in any case it is not necessary to think that you have what problem can not touch.

The main causes of

In most cases, the disease occurs because of strong and long-term inflammatory processes. In any case, one can not dismiss the failure of the pregnancy. If you have gone through abortion, then you, too, you are in a increased risk zone. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It will tell in detail, what is it that the so-called varicose veins of the uterus, how to fight it.

A particular problem may be ovarian vienna. It may strike the blood, which will lead to this disease. Don't forget that the special damages can provide the medication. More news, a side effect that is not yet completely understood. Particularly harmful hormonal of the tool. The predisposition should not also deny it.

The symptoms

It is particularly important to know that, in the case of do not postpone a visit to a specialist. The first and the most important symptom — severe pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes, they are so strong, that it is this which leads to loss of integrity. Occurs visible discomfort after intercourse or even during. The menstrual cycle is disrupted, it differs a small amount of secretions.

You should note that to identify the veins of the uterus difficult, symptoms similar to those of many gynecological diseases. Here, in any case, you can not guess.

Only the full of the ULTRASOUND with the help of modern equipment will make the diagnosis and take another solution.

There is more explicit for the reasons for which you should consult a specialist. In particular, the cramps. Particularly dangerous if they are accompanied by swelling. As you feel the irritation in the legs in the evening, to come up with the work? You experience any discomfort permanent? It would be good for the prevention necessarily the visit of the quality of the specialist.

In Total, over the course of the pregnancy

Of course, varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy is not as widespread. But after each design, the situation becomes more complicated. With a duration increases and the risk. In this case, is not only for mothers, but also for the child. What difficulties may arise?

  1. The placental insufficiency.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Thrombosis of the vein.
  4. Often, you need to do a c-section.

We can summarize all the above the fact that the treatment during pregnancy is complicated at the time. This utrin disease requires ongoing monitoring of phlebologist. It is likely, he will tell you that in your case, if you are pregnant, the treatment is ineffective. In this case, the treating physician will need to produce at least one symptomatic treatment. What it consists of? The expert can not cope with the disease. Then, it is well to reduce to zero the main symptoms.

And how to treat varicose veins of the uterus outside of pregnancy? In this case, there are several basic methods. They are chosen according to the specificities of the patient. We will examine them in more detail.

  1. Conservative treatment. In this case, you need to take medications that are intended to tone the veins. It is important that the anti-allergy medicine. This complex consists of the still and physiotherapy, physiotherapy.
  2. Sometimes, it is impossible to do without a surgical intervention. The modern technologies allow to do everything too quickly. Specific methods depend on the condition of the patient, the degree of neglect of the disease.


They are sometimes also help to heal the spider veins. Previously built the list of medications that you need to take it inside.

  1. First of all, you need to make purchases tincture horse chestnut.
  2. Make sure you try to take an infusion intoxicating bumps.
  3. Ideal mixture of various medicinal plants. It is, perhaps, the st. john's wort, horsetail, calendula, and a few others. Buy it on almost any major market.
  4. Try the apple cider vinegar. Dilute a few teaspoons a standard glass of water.

But you must understand that much depends on at what stage of the disease. If it is found only in the egg, then the remedies quite can prove to be effective.

The main means of prevention

In the first place, you have to take responsibility for their health. If you notice changes in the uterus, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist. It can literally after a few questions to determine what you have problems, develop a plan of action.

In any case, you can't you-even affect of hormone treatments. Only in small doses and after consulting a qualified physician. During the first pregnancy it is necessary to avoid stress, is inspections. All the more that now a wide variety of diagnostic centres, giving a result that is literally for an hour.

Importance of moderate exercise. Serious sports activities only worsen the situation. And here, physical culture, dance classes, swimming, yoga — all of this leads to the fact that your immunity to the disease increases considerably.

The analysis of urine and blood should be taken into account in the framework of the prevention. In particular, if the blood is bad to clot, this is a clear sign of varicose veins. It remains only to determine the place where it is located. Perhaps, everyone knows that proper diet can eliminate many problems. In particular, you can improve your chances of a healthier future, by excluding from his diet is too fatty and salty. Eat more fruits, vegetables. Don't forget to restrictions in the sahara. Particularly dangerous white. And all the dishes that contain it in large quantities. Now you know all about varicose veins in the uterus and its treatment in details.