Varicose veins feet symptoms and treatment of the photo

Varicose veins of the lower limbs is a chronic pathology that is characterized by the thinning of the venous wall, increased vascular thinning, and the training knotty extensions.

The disease is diagnosed in 15-17% of the adult population. In adulthood, the disease is most often diagnosed in women, which is due to hormonal changes in the body (menopause, pregnancy, menstruation).

Varicose veins of the legs and is manifested by a wide clinical. The patients complain of heaviness and discomfort in the legs, fatigue, swelling of the ankle, cramps at night, protruding blue veins. The course of pathology on the background of the absence of treatment leads to various complications.

Causes and risk factors of varicose veins of the lower limbs

Spider veins

The varicosities of the lower limbs in most of the paintings is the result of a genetic predisposition. The immediate cause: immaturity of functional valves in the veins and the under-developed connective tissue element of the vessels. This leads to an increase of the load inside the vessels and the appearance of varicose veins.

The etiology is caused by factors that are congenital which are related to hypercoagulation high blood clotting. In the context of violations form blood clots, which interferes with full of the blood circulation in the legs, leads to pathological expansion of venous thinning.

A common cause of development of the disease in women, a failure. It is based on the change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. Associated with the onset of menopause and pregnancy.

The reasons of the appearance of varicose veins of the legs:

  • The excess of weight. Obesity has a mechanical action on the venous wall, in particular, expressed this manifests itself on the bottom of the abdominal type. As a result, the patient increases the venous pressure;
  • Diabetes mellitus. Due to complex metabolic disorders associated with consistently high blood sugar when the relative insufficiency of insulin there has been a decline in the elasticity of the venous wall, with the continuation of their expansion;
  • Alcohol dependence. Alcoholism is the body lack of fluid, the blood becomes thicker, leading to disturbances of the circulation;
  • Factors (a constant finding in vertical position, an excessive physical activity, lack of exercise);
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, for example, high heels;
  • Heavy pathology of the cardio-vascular system, which is manifested by a circulatory insufficiency.

Lead to varicose veins of the feet can chronic pathology of the genital organs. In particular, the inflammation of the prostate gland in men and the appendages in women.

The mechanism of development of the disease is based on the participation in the inflammatory process in the smallest veins, which leads to their swelling and obstruction of the blood circulation.

The signs and symptoms of the varicose disease

Varicose veins of the leg is manifested by various symptoms. Let's start by external changes. Thus, the more a sign testifying to the onset of the disease, it is the transformation of the contour and the shape of the vessels under the skin of the feet. Manifests as bloating, nodular thickening. Vessels become of a dark colour, to reveal a mesh back and an asterisk.

Ulcers on the legs are treated with the two parties. A party of clinicians who bear wounds to the symptoms, while other complications, pathology, reflecting the end of the terminal phase of the disease process.

The classification of varicose veins of the legs

Spider veins of the legs most often diagnosed in adult women than in men of this age. At a young age, the disease in young people, and young girls not manifest with the same frequency. According to the classification, the disease happens in primary and secondary in nature. In the first case, the changes are on the surface of the blood vessels. Violations of the structure and the deep structure of the vessels are missing.

Secondary varicose veins is one of the complications of the diseases of the deep veins, in consequence of which negative changes have been observed in the waters of vessels of the legs. This image is manifested on the background of congenital disorders of the venous system, and as a consequence of phlebothrombosis.

Diseases are classified by clinical forms. They include varicose veins, side vessels to the legs and thighs, reticular and varicose veins. Consider these forms from the following:

  • The veins lateral veins happen as a disease, or in association with other pathologies. The reverse also venous of liquid occurs in a vein of under the skin and around the blood vessels.
  • Net (reticular form) manifests itself as a pathology. Does not lead to a venous insufficiency, is an exceptional cosmetic defects.
  • Varicose veins are also a cosmetic defect.

In recent years, surgeons secrete venous insufficiency, idiopathic form. It is characterized by a venous tone, express the reasons of such a violation is not found. The clinical manifestations of the disease is not different from the classic clinic.

The stage and grade of varices


Varicose veins of the leg varies according to the stage and the measurement. For the establishment to take account of the clinic in the patient. The chronic disease is sometimes several steps, which have some differences:

The stadium Feature
Compensation The pain syndrome is weakly expressed or not. The patients complain of the discomfort of the feet due to long standing. There are vascular net on the skin, from time to time, manifests itself by a swelling of the ankle, passes quickly after the rest.
Subcompensation During the visual examination of the lower limbs of the patient are visible in vienna and pathological thinning. Patients have a lot of complaints. In particular, they complain of the persistent pain arching nature, increasing fatigue, heaviness in the legs. The night will often cause contractions of the muscles, "cold" on the skin. There is a swelling, after a night of sleep in 90% of cases, leveled yourself.
Decompensation The hard part, the stage of varicose veins. Manifest changes on the part of the epidermis. It is too dry, the hair falls on the feet. In addition, it revealed hyperpigmentation, which leads to abnormal thickening of the subcutaneous tissue. The cracks and scratches on the legs heal, the long-term, able to be transformed in ulcers trophic. The swelling of the legs constantly, rest and sleep does not help. Swelling have the property to climb higher on the legs.

When the girl or the guy come to the doctor with the complaints described symptoms, the doctor performs a visual inspection, appoints the analyses of laboratory methods and diagnostic tools. On the basis of the results obtained, on the form, the stage and grade of pathology.

The degree of varicose veins of the legs are defined rooms. Zero (0), the clinic is not identified, the external changes; I – of the swelling, the constant fatigue of a member; II – the constant swelling, accompanied by a hyperpigmentation, a fault in the joint of sub-cutaneous tissue; III – the pain does not pass swelling of the legs, ulcers trophic.

The complications of venous insufficiency

Varicose veins – chronic disease that is incurable, therefore, treatment has defined the objectives to suspend the progression and prevent complications. If the treatment is wrong or the patient does not have to ask for the help of a medical specialist, to develop complications of the disease.

Thrombophlebitis – inflammation of the lining of the veins in the presence of a blood clot. In the inflammatory process may occur in the vicinity of the vessels and soft tissues. To distinguish between several different forms. It happens acute (lasts approximately 30 days), subacute – duration up to six months and chronic view.

Migratory thrombophlebitis is rare. It is characterized by an inflammation that occurs on the different parts of vienna, passes quickly.

The symptoms are:

  • Visually visible with a clear overview of the ignites of a container.
  • Acute pain syndrome during the palpation of the pain becomes stronger.
  • Swollen nodules, projecting from the skin.
  • The local increase of the temperature.

Thrombophlebitis at the varicose veins of the feet can lead to other complications. For example, the periphlebitis is an inflammation of the surrounding tissues, and moist gangrene of the extremities, the deep vein thrombosis. When the spread of inflammation occur the complications that go beyond members – thrombosis and sepsis.

Deep vein thrombosis is a complication of varicose veins of the legs. The pathology is characterized by the formation of dense blood clot, which is fully or partially obstruct a blood vessel which disrupts blood circulation complete. In this complication there is a risk of death because of the remoteness of the spout.

Ulcers appear in the serious cases. Often joined to an infectious process, which worsens the clinical picture. Injuries can affect not only tissues, but also deeper layers of the muscles. Heal durable. Requires a full course of treatment.

The feet

Varicose eczema is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Inflammatory hyperpigmentation of the skin purple or bright red;
  • Formed microvesicles that are broken;
  • Strong swelling of the legs;
  • Itching of the skin, which happens all the time;
  • Dip, which, after drying, covered with a crust;
  • An abnormal thickening of the skin.

Varicose eczema may pass to the chronic, in consequence of which manifests the hardening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

On the accession of the infection of eczema is a complicated ulcers trophic.

The conservative treatment of varicose veins of the legs

Conservative treatment of varicose veins includes the medication and the wearing of compression underwear. Compression is different from the class of the compression and the appointment is for the prevention and treatment of the pathology. Tights, stockings and socks should choose a doctor taking into account specific characteristics. Just the right lingerie gives the desired result.

To prescribe medicines. Ideal effective drugs, which focused on the links of the disease does not exist. It is recommended to apply the system of pills and gels, balms, creams, and ointments.

Advanced prescribe physiotherapy – magnetotherapy, electrophoresis; a type of exercise. You can use folk remedies – recipes for herbal help to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Sometimes, it is recommended girudoterapiya – treatment with leeches.

The methods of surgical treatment

When the conservatives afford to give a small result, the disease progresses, it is recommended to perform the operation. Often practiced sclerotherapy. In the vein injected a special substance that glue hit the container. Over time, it is replaced by connective tissue.

The radiofrequency ablation. When this intervention is to "weld" of the blood vessel (patient), by using a probe that emits wave lengths. Probe heater to the wall, which leads to a stenosis. After the intervention of a certain time you want to wear a compression garment.

The choice of the method of using the patient surgically is dependent on many criteria. The doctor takes into account the stage of the disease, the well-being of the patient, presence of chronic disease, which can become an obstacle to the realization of the intervention.

Other types of surgical treatment:

  • Phlebectomy – the doctor removes the dead of veins and vessels. Through a small skin puncture to introduce a tool with a hook by which to tear off the container. This method is sometimes combined use of surgery and the use of a laser.
  • The most effective way of treatment is considered as laser photocoagulation of the veins of the lower limbs. The methodology of the execution of the operation occurs with a minimum of cuts and wounds. Through a small prick on the skin in the container is introduced superfine scriptures, which emits wavelengths from frequency. The area of impact may occur to the heater. The wall stick, which allows you to level the problem.

Stripping is performed using a small probe, which is administered by the incision and the paste to the affected part of vienna. Cryostripping – pathological in the container is introduced from the liquid nitrogen, which leads to degradation of the area, the follow-up is not the feature.


Prevention activities are of great importance. A prognosis not only depends on good doctor appointment and treatment, but also the patient – it is to him that you need to change your way of life, follow the recommendations phlebologist.

Thus, the wear of compression of the cloth or bandage members elastic. According to the comments of patients, the first option is more convenient. Even after surgery requires a physical activity constant, but without an excessive burden on the body.

During sleep, it is recommended to attach the feet elevated. To do this, the member has to cushion or reduce the coverage. If the work is related to the constant standing is the headquarters, and then every 60 to 80 minutes, you need to do a bit of training, in order to accelerate the blood circulation in the body.

It is recommended for women to stop wearing high-heeled shoes. The maximum height of the heel should be 5 see All patients it is necessary to choose the right shoes, abandon the clothes, which puts pressure on the leg.

Varicose veins on the legs – a serious illness, requiring a multilateral approach in the treatment. Only a compound effect, compound medications, compression garments, physiotherapy, motor activity and nutrition will lead to positive results and remission stable.