Apple cider vinegar is when the varicose veins - recipes and comments

According to a large number of specialists for the treatment of varicose veins more often used apple cider vinegar. To achieve a higher effect product is not worth buying in the trade, the better to do it yourself.

apple cider vinegar against varicose veins

In the absence of time on the preparation, you can only buy 6% of a solution, in the composition which is not dyes and various harmful preservatives, which completely corresponds to the requirements of the state standard. Only in this case, the apple cider vinegar when the varicose veins proved to be the most effective.

The use of vinegar

The dignity of cider vinegar are based in acn of these effects, such as a strengthening of the arteries and blood vessels, complete removal of the edema, significantly improves total of the microcirculation and the blood vessels is general a tonic effect.

These positive results are achieved thanks to the unique composition of this product. Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins is made up of useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. After the application of the substance vessels become more flexible, turns out to be a general anti-inflammatory.

If you follow the rules of the application of vinegar, about a month of treatment constant in a patient bearer of the improvement. As they say in many of the comments, after a month of using the tool, leaves a heaviness of the legs, disappear cramps and pain.

Features of the application of apple cider vinegar

The professionals involved in the treatment of varicose veins, to offer their patients the different variants of the application of the substance. Similarly, it is not recommended, because it is important to know what are the procedures able to have a standardization of the curative effects.

Compresses and therapeutic crushing

The simplest option of the application of cider vinegar is the friction of the solution in the place of the inflammation of the vein. The penalty procedure to perform not less than two times per day, preferably after the application of the bath or the daily shower. When the rub you can use self-massage. Immediately after the event, vinegar, the composition is not worth it to rinse.

During the execution of the healing compresses, you will need to take a small piece folded several times in a bandage, moisten it with vinegar and attach to the diseased veins. Over a compress to barely warm. Holds the headband 30 to 40 minutes at feet preferably lift it slightly.

Bath and wraps

During the procedure it is desirable to be at peace, and it is expected to last half an hour. Happens at a similar event about 3 times a week.

Therapeutic baths are preparing relatively simple. You must do the following:

  1. Need to prepare for, in which the feet you can soak up to the knees;
  2. To 5 liters of water is added about a quarter cup of vinegar;
  3. To further enhance the effect obtained in a solution, you can add the oil of cypress, juniper, peppermint, and sea salt;
  4. Performed a procedure at least 4 times per week, each one should last 20 minutes.

For the holding of such a procedure, the substance need to be mixed with cold water. The proportion should be from one to three. Legs with veins that are inflamed need to water throughout the day, about 5 times over and over. This is the perfect treatment option for those who have the opportunity during the day to the house.

the treatment of varicose veins

In the process of the external application of apple cider vinegar the patient can experience allergic reactions, such as slight scaling, itching and redness. For the complete elimination of these phenomena unpleasant, just rinse the vinegar with the feet.

The adoption of vinegar inside

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs apple cider vinegar may build to the reception of its interior. If, for external use is appropriate, bought in a supermarket product, to the drink, the substance of you better prepare.

For the cooking of the therapeutic of the drink you will need to take a glass of water and add one or two spoonfuls of vinegar, previously prepared at home. All carefully stirred and completely consumed during the day.

His hands to prepare the vinegar to the drink, you must follow certain recommendations and action sequences. Need to do the following activities:

  • Mild variety of ripe apples need very finely chop. The received structure is placed in a large pot and the screams of hot, just no hot water. The liquid must not exceed the apples of approximately 3 see
  • If you want, you can add a bit of honey, which will make a solution more gentle.
  • The received structure it is necessary to leave on two weeks, from time to time, stir the apples of the spoon, made of wood.
  • In two weeks, the composition is carefully filtered through a double gauze. Selected capacity must meet is not until the end, leaving about 7 cm from the mouth.

The composition prepared is added in a glass of water in a volume of a few spoonfuls. Exceeding the dose is not recommended. Store the received structure at room temperature in a dark place. The unique content of the product could saturate the body with amino acids, which begin to be produced in large quantities.

Taking the vinegar inside for the treatment of varicose veins, the patient receives optimal advantage necessary to come lactic, citric acid and fatty acids.

Contra-indications to the use of vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is when the varicose veins in the legs are not always is effective. There are some contra-indications to its use. The therapy of apple cider vinegar must be taken after obtaining the prior agreement of a specialist. The doctor should examine the patient, evaluate the usefulness of the solution for him, and to forecast likely damage.

Among the major contra-indications to the use of the solution, you can highlight the pathology and of the disease, such as:

  1. Lesions of the stomach and intestine, all forms of gastritis;
  2. The violation of the liver;
  3. The various inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis and a disease such as Crohn's disease;
  4. Problems with the liver and gallbladder;
  5. Disruption of the amount of potassium in the human body.
the disease

There are some contra-indications for external applications of apple cider vinegar. It is strictly forbidden to apply the product in the presence of pathologies such as psoriasis and eczema.

To summarize

Obtain information on using a solution of apple cider vinegar, is not enough. It is important to correctly apply the substance, removing all possible contra-indications. Reach in the process of treatment of the ideal of the positive effect, you can only simultaneously designated by a professional of medicines and medical treatments.

If it has been decided to follow a course of treatment of apple cider vinegar, it is necessary to take into account that the degree of the overall effectiveness of the treatment process will depend on the systematic and full compliance with specialist recommendations. These terms and conditions will not be simply to completely eliminate all signs of the pathology, but also year-round to protect the patient.

Comments on the application of vinegar

In case of doubt, it is necessary to use the cider vinegar varicose veins on the legs, the comments people are already processed, you can examine.

Alexis, 44 years of age. I have about a month has used this tool in the treatment of varicose veins. I applied it externally and internally, that has led me to the initial phase of quickly earn the pathology. I didn't even need to use drug therapy.

Natalia, 56 years old. My doctor has recommended as a treatment option for varicose veins use compresses and baths with cider vinegar. This has helped me, everything is done on the basis of the recommendations because no bad consequences and the side effects is not delivered to me without any discomfort.

Alexander, 48 years old. Prepared the drink, while doing so, as I was advised a specialist. Due to the strong development of the pathology, he advised me to drink a glass of the solution, and two in the morning and before bedtime. Simultaneously with the medication, I was able to quickly get rid of the problem. Through two months, my feet get a kind, which have had in their youth, in addition, full advantage of the pain. All her friends now, I recommend the treatment that is similar, but only after consultation with their doctor.