How to use the bee saved from varicose veins

The treatment of varicose veins honey and other products of the vital activity of bees occupies a large niche in the folk medicine. To the extent that it is justified and may be used as monotherapy? Or it is necessary to treat in combination with other means? Is it safe to treatment of varicose veins by the bees (a bee for a sample), as well as other care related to the use of products that are the bees? Why not make these patients a number of aesthetic treatments? This and a host of other issues, you will find the answers below!

bee was saved from varicose veins

What is "The savior" and it should be used when the varicose veins?

The pathology related to a breach of the structure of the venous wall is more prevalence of l' — which contributes to a sedentary way of life of our contemporaries and of the overweight. Although pharmacological society each year in the future, with a large number of different drugs and biochemically active substances of synthetic origin, the use of drugs of plant origin does not lose its relevance. This contributes to a number of reasons:

  1. High efficiency. While working on several aspects of the pathogenesis, the ways of nature were much more pronounced to the effect that the pharmaceutical products. It is fair to note that the clinical effect of the last is processed much more quickly;
  2. Availability. Due to the fact that the implementation of "chemical substances" of drugs is associated with many formalities, of which the pharmacological solution from the company is forced to pledge significant funds, their market value increases several times. What can we say about the tools of traditional medicine — they are always available, even patients who are limited in the media;
  3. Compatibility with other medicines. To improve the effectiveness of the treatment, it is recommended institute use of tools and traditional and traditional medicine.
  4. Security. Never on preparations of plant origin was not an allergic reaction or other undesirable side effects.

One of the most famous drugs of alternative medicine is "The savior". Many believe that in the composition of that fund includes only the waste of the bees, but in fact this is not the case.

The medicine still includes many vegetable substances, which contribute greatly to the clinical effect, in influencing the pathogenesis of several. The composition of the tool "Bee saved of varicose veins" as follows:

  • The bark of the larch from siberia – component, which is a significant anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the permeability of the vessels, which eliminates the pockets;
  • Rhizome nipponskoy — contribute to the normalization of the circulatory system;
  • The pest — contributes to the normalization of the flow of blood and lymph. Fixes appears vascular meshes, by restoring the normal state of the vascular wall;
  • The seeds and fruits of the horse chestnut – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is especially important during the execution of options of varicose veins. Provides a rapid disappearance of vascular of a hairnet, and others;
  • Goji berries — contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

"The savior" is available in pharmacological form a liniment (ointment) — it is necessary to apply on the affected area of varicose veins, sites, with slight movements. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

To achieve maximum efficiency in the treatment of varicose veins on the legs to apply this tool should be 3-4 times per day, combining with the help of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The use of honey in the treatment of varicose veins — what you need to do attention in the first place?

the treatment of varicose veins

The honey is known is a folk remedy, which helps to get rid of many ailments, including varicose veins. In order to achieve a good dynamic in the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to consider the combination of drugs, prepared with honey and medicines of traditional medicine.

It should be noted that in this situation, the preparations to basis of honey may be used only as an auxiliary tool — they do not have immediate effects on the state of the vascular wall and the bloodstream, but to contribute to the normalization of the currents of metabolic processes.

An example of a simple, but effective prescription

The best for varicose veins allows the use of the alcohol liquor of honey. For its preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • The honey-200 g;
  • Medical ethyl alcohol, 96% of 400 ml;
  • The bitter pepper — 5 g;

All of these components will be necessary to mix well and let stand for 3 days. After that, take it up with the treatment prescribed by the doctor for 3 weeks, at least 1 tablespoon three times per day.

Note that the honey when the varicose veins you can't use if the patient has an allergic reaction to the products of beekeeping.

Bee a sample against varicose veins — in which cases is it justified the use of this tool?

Bee a sample is a taurus dead bees, which are also used as a therapeutic tool. This confirms the fact that, even after his death, the bee continues to enjoy the man.

For the preparation of a drug, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • I have a sample, 200-300 g;
  • Medical ethyl alcohol, 96% of 400 ml;

The dye will be necessary to resist at least a week, so that has really proven the quality of the extract that would have provided expressed clinical effect and applies even in advanced stages of varicose veins.

It is recommended that the tool for external use — apply to the affected area (where are the vessels, the venules), with light movements massage. The treatment of varicose veins bee is not less than 2 months, the frequency of use 3 times per day.

Moreover, for external use, it is recommended to use the honey wraps, which are prepared with the dye on the honey, the recipe of which is described above, and a sample, taken in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Beauty treatments in patients with varicose veins. Why does not recommend the conduct shugaring?

As to whether we can do shugaring if the varicose veins and what are the contra-indications. No doubt, every woman fights for the beauty of her body and give up hair reduction in the legs due to varicose veins, no one will.

However, in this situation, you need to take into account a number of restrictions, which is associated with a high likelihood of trauma affected by a pathological process of vessels:

  1. It allows only laser hair removal at varicose veins (light hair removal) and the removal of unwanted hair using a razor, like all the other varieties of this procedure is very traumatic and can lead to a profuse bleeding — in the event that it is corrupted varicose veins advanced receptacle. In general, when the hair removal the varicose veins is not harmful, but if mild means.
  2. Shugaring process is not recommended in all cases. Irritation, which is associated with the release of hair using wax or other compositions applicable to this procedure, may lead to undesirable consequences. Shugaring contraindications was quite hard because of what looks like the recipe of the mixture, it is therefore better to abandon such a procedure, the deadline the most gentle of the recipe or option.
  3. In case of the occurrence of venous ulcers (these violations are characteristic of the momentum of the shape in question of the pathology), waxing when the varicose veins cannot in mind that too of high risk of complications. The procedure is strictly prohibited — the state is a categorical contraindication to the use not only of tools, techniques, waxing, and even laser hair removal of hair.
the processing of the honey

Anyway, before proceeding to any kosmetologicheskoy of the procedure, in the presence of varicose veins of varicose veins, it will be necessary to pre-seek the advice of your doctor. Only he can decide what is possible to do so, that is what is better to abstain.