How to treat spider veins on the legs in men

Varicose veins are a good chronic disease of the peripheral blood vessels. Its emergence and development contribute to many factors: standing work, intense physical activity, smoking, pregnancy, diabetes, liver disease, a genetic predisposition. The pathology is to reduce the tonus of the wall of veins and capillaries, which leads to stagnation of venous blood, local swelling, inflammation, and trophic skin lesions, but, more importantly, the thrombosis – solid education, formation of blood clots. These blood clots can cause obstruction of the blood vessels in the limb with the further necrosis of tissue, and may enter the circulation and infiltrate anywhere – the pulmonary artery, the brain or the heart. In these latter cases, there is a real threat to life.

the treatment of varicose veins in men

Varicose disease of men and women

According to the statistics of the varicose veins of the lower limbs is slightly more common among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The fault of this eternal women of the destiny of the pregnancy and the maternity. At the time of taking the child to the agency overloaded, which has implications on the state of the circulatory system. However, women who are extremely sensitive to the state of their feet and at the first appearance of veins, spider veins, and even more pronounced veins, try to take action and run to a doctor-phlebologist. The result of a disease that is impossible to cut in the early stages.

This is another case of men. In most cases, the varicose veins on the legs in men at the time of the consultation with the doctor is very terminally. Yes, the pregnancy up to this that men are not threatened, but they have a list of specific "male" and the factors likely to determine the origin and development of this nasty disease:

  • the gilding and the sedentary work, especially during the low mobility of the lower limbs;
  • the service in the army and the organs of internal affairs;
  • the intense physical activity and the physical activity;
  • hunting, fishing, tourism and other leisure activities, accompanied by frequent hypothermia.

Purely male factors of risk – all the strong tobacco and the consumption of beverages with high ethanol content. Nicotine promotes the breakdown of functions of the peripheral vessels. Alcohol damages the liver cells, responsible for the production of enzymes that prevent the formation of blood clots and dissolve already instructed clots. The more a man has of addiction to alcohol and tobacco, the greater the risk of varicose veins, and most dangerous in its complications.

But the main negative factor, which complicates the treatment of varicose veins on the legs in men is immutable and neglect of patients of the need to take care of itself. The men believe firmly that the spider veins – this is one of the many whims of the female that the macho man should not be careful. It ends only when the skin is form non-healing ulcers, and may help at least one operation of resection is affected in vienna. In this case, it is clear that the doctors do will be to saw off the tip of the iceberg and that the pathology has affected a lot more. Surprised to a certain extent, all the vessels of the legs, and after the operation, the man must be long and hard to recover, and treatment, to prevent further manifestations of the disease, often much more formidable, and leading to amputation, disability and death as a result of the obstruction of the large clot vital blood vessels.

The symptoms of the varicose disease of the feet

In the initial stages of varicose veins in men is not different from varicose veins in women. The skin appear on the veins, netted, it is unevenly painted. Reduced sensitivity, you receive the strong points of the pain and hypothermia, often there are painful cramps in the calves and thighs. In the evening, the tibiae strongly swollen, especially if the patient should stand or sit in one position. The swelling disappears during sleep. In the places of edema is often seen alopecia stop hair growth.

Over time phenomena unpleasant are amplified during the palpation, and the examination, become visible subcutaneous venous buttes and hair. If with them not to do anything, the skin is refined and arise ulcers trophic, extremely difficult of treatment, and of heavy the development of serious lesions infectious of the skin (inflammation), soft tissue (phlegmon), and the total of the blood poisoning (sepsis). These risks, of course, it does not remove the danger of thrombosis, as indicated above.

the signs of varicose veins

If a man does not go to the doctor

Even the most courageous and confident men are often very afraid to go to the doctor-phlebologist. Some are embarrassed of their so-called "feminine" of the disease, other are ashamed to see a doctor, until they have their own body, signature in his own cowardice. Someone who it simply expresses the inconsistency, considering that the varicose veins in men at your feet – the disease is not fatal and it is best to bring the situation to the extreme, and then suddenly heal in the middle of the modern laser coagulation (or, as this operation is called up yonder, doctor?"). Alas, that the treatment of the victim of vienna will not save the world, we have already spoken.

If a man has not found the strength to go to the doctor, we can at least begin to treat varicose veins home remedies. Let us say at once: healing, especially if the pathological process has gone far enough, this treatment will not be. How does the app massively sold in pharmacies gels and ointments varicose veins.

However, some positive effects application of remedies, certainly, but the negative side effects of medicines of "the green pharmacy" a lot less than the synthetic medicines. Especially as many recommended drugs as "official" medicine, created on the basis of national revenues.

Traditional recipes at the varicose veins

Most remedies of traditional medicine suggest that an external application. The exception, perhaps, only apple cider vinegar is unique in its efficiency tool capable of, when win of varicose veins in men in the early stages.

The apple cider vinegar

The apple vinegar contains a unique combination of vitamins A, C and group B, organic acids (acetic, citric, lactic acid), amino acids and trace elements that help restore the walls of the blood vessels and improve the trophic of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Simultaneously, the vinegar has antibacterial activity and fungicidal action, and trafficking of inflammatory processes and fungal diseases, inevitably arise on the feet because of the decrease of local immunity.

The cider vinegar is used internally and locally. For the reception inside the cup of hot water, take two tablespoons of vinegar and a spoon of honey. The mixture is consumed relates to food.


The cider vinegar should not be taken inside during the phase of varicose veins because it contributes to thrombosis!

Locally, the tool used in compresses and body wraps. Need to comply with the measure, so as not to cause skin burns and allergic reactions. The compress is superimposed in 30-40 minutes, the patient should be horizontal, with the legs raised. Above dipped in the vinegar of gauze wrapped in polyethylene.

Where to take apple cider vinegar when the varicose veins?

The apple cider vinegar you can buy in store or pharmacy or do it yourself. To do this, take 1 kg of apples and crushed in a blender. In weight add 50 g of sugar powder, 20 grams of bread, 10 g of baker's yeast. The mass must ferment for at least 6 weeks. And then 30% diluted with water and filtered through a filter in the tank. Available, and the acceleration of the method – bread and yeast. Such an express-vinegar, to insist 2 weeks.

remedies of varicose veins

Medicinal herbs and fees

A good effect in the treatment of varicose veins in men give the remedies herbal:

  • alcohol extract of horse chestnut. Applies to the crushing of the feet and calf muscles;
  • the herbal teas of oak leaf, nettle, japanese knotweed, succession. Apply for compresses, baths, taken in the form of decoctions inside;
  • the infusion of oak bark. Works well as an astringent and antiseptic if you have venous ulcers;
  • alcoolate kalanchoe – applies for all days of the trituration in a period of 2-3 weeks.

During the treatment of varicose veins of the average people, containing, as the extractant to alcohol, you should exercise caution and not to cause a burning of the skin. Naturally, you should avoid taking alcohol stains to the inside beyond the recommended dose. Many of the plants in case of overdose can give an undesirable effect, and even cause poisoning.

Traditions, bad habits, and spider veins

As if the man was not related to his illness, it must be remembered that the men, bad habits are sometimes worsen the condition of patients feet. This concerns in particular the smoking. However, the consumption of alcohol, which leads first to a sharp expansion of vessels, and shrinkage, too, is not conducive to healing.

When the varicose veins do not overuse a sauna, a steam room, winter fishing and bathing in winter. Abnormal temperature directly undermine a deficiency of veins and cover. You must think to change of work, linked to the constant rests on the feet (the builders, the masters of multi-purpose machines, regulators) or in a sitting position (the truck drivers). Need to forget the lessons of cardio-sports, the race over long distances.

Reduce the damage caused by the feet, help to physiotherapy. It aims to intensify the flow of venous blood and the general circulation of the blood in the capillaries. Need production of gymnastics and after a long day of work. In general, the greater the man, who suffers from the extension of the veins of the legs, will be in the free time, be horizontal and to keep the feet above the level of the body, the better it is. In this case, the "couches" way of life, oddly enough, is going to benefit him.

Prevention of varicose veins in men

If a man has a genetic predisposition to varicose veins or the risk of winning as a professional of the disease, he should also review his diet. Abandon is not only alcohol, but all of the foods likely to aggravate the condition of the cells of the liver, increase cholesterol, decrease the vascular tone As it is, it is difficult, you need to give up fatty, spicy, salty, smoked. The basis of the diet must be lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese.

Many men are skeptical of vegetarianism, assuming a mode of life that is unworthy of the representatives of the stronger sex. However, studies have shown that the rejection of the animal food substantially reduces the risk of varicose veins. The choice is everyone's business.

It is important to correctly choose the clothes and shoes, especially if there is flat feet or simply custom foot. The narrow uncomfortable shoes – the first step in varicose disease of the feet.


In this case, if the cure varicose veins folk remedies yet, not to succeed, the need to make the effort voluntary and consult a doctor. At the scheduled time and conducted the substance abuse, compression, or a surgical treatment will help you avoid the serious consequences of launching of varicose veins in men.