The drug treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower limb is a vascular disease that affects the elderly, especially women. The pathology is due to changes of the wall and the weak valves of the veins, which leads to expansion and deformation of blood vessels venous. Assigned at the time of the medication of varicose veins on the legs to reduce the pain, a feeling of heaviness, of the manifestation of trophic disorders, relieve night cramps.

the treatment of varicose veins on the legs

What is the best medicine for varicose veins? The drugs that treat varicose veins, belong to different groups of drugs, are pharmaceutical products by companies in different countries. To stop the progression of the disease, prevent complications and possible to do so without surgery, it is important to know the phlebotrophic drugs in the varicose veins and what is their mechanism of action.

Group of drugs and their effects

Drugs varicose veins are an important component of conservative treatment. The timely and application-careful improves the state of the venous system. They are well compatible with the right combination to enhance the effects of the other. The medication of varicose veins of the lower limbs need to use from the beginning of the disease, by strictly following medical recommendations.

On the bottom of the taking of drugs from different groups gradually increased the vascular wall, which prevents the continuation of the deformation with the formation of varicose veins nodes. The blood becomes more fluid, decreases the risk of thrombosis and embolism. A comprehensive therapy will reduce the inflammation, swelling, improves metabolism.


These hormones have a powerful anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor action, quickly relieve the swelling and the pain. But despite the effectiveness, apply the medication in this group rarely, according to the strict indications due to the large number of adverse effects. Generally, the hormones are only used in the form of ointments and creams.

Cures for varicose veins

These tools are a must-have of the drug therapy. They are used to strengthen blood vessels and tone the weakening of the venous wall. To obtain the desired effect of their use, the medications for varicose veins must be taken of changes several times per year. In the absence of contraindications of the medication for 2-3 months.

Venous medications of varicose veins it is recommended mandatory to take the summer. They reduce the load on the blood vessels of the legs, relieve swelling and pain, which intensified in the heat.

The medication of varicose veins on the legs of women are often placed at the lower dose, continuously or with small breaks. Chronic venous insufficiency often develops after childbirth, on the background of obesity or diabetes.

Medicines to strengthen the blood vessels when varicose veins are appointed by the surgeons of the phase of preparation to the surgical intervention and, after him, to avoid complications.

Medicines varicose veins cause the following effects:

  • toning of the wall of the vein;
  • the reduction of the stagnation of the venous blood;
  • the steering of the circulation.
  • improve the lymphatic drainage;
  • a decrease in the permeability of the vein wall and capillary vessels;
  • the improvement of the rehabilitation and the metabolic processes in the area of damaged tissue.

Antiplatelet drugs

cures for varicose veins

These drugs in the varicose veins always included in the scheme of pharmacotherapy. On the wall of the vein they no effect, but to thin the blood and improve the rheology of the quality. The drugs of this group to prevent the development of potentially fatal complications.

Medicines to thin the blood when the varices are used only on prescription of a specialist. The therapy is conducted under the dynamic laboratory of the state control of the coagulation system of the blood.

Anticoagulant drugs while varicose veins are not accepted by the schema of the reception. The doctor individually will decide the dose, the multiplicity is the day of receipt and the duration of the course. The recommendations of a specialist must be religiously. In fact, even the best product of this group has a lot of contraindications and adverse effects.

Against thrombosis

Are used when the varicose veins in the legs are not for therapy, but as a tool of prevention can save them from developing dangerous complications — thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

The drugs prevent the agglomeration of the platelets, thus disrupting the formation of blood clots on the inflamed areas of the wall of the vein. Detached blood clots can block blood vessels in the brain, the heart or the lungs, causing ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, embolism of the pulmonary artery. These drugs correctly and regularly can help avoid these terrible complications.


Any drug from the group of NSAIDS, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic action. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs need to get a short period during the onset of the pain during the blood vessels, increasing the temperature, the threat to the development of thrombophlebitis. Drugs anti-swelling of the legs at the varicose veins will often choose also this group of medications, as they contribute to the rapid removal of the inflammation of the soft tissues of the leg.

What is effective non-steroidal medication to choose, decides to doctor. You must take into account the manifestation of undesirable side effects, especially when uncontrolled reception and attempts at self-medication.

Homeopathic medicines

The homeopathic method of treatment can be just an add-in integrated pharmacotherapy. The drugs of this group, the patients take sometimes for the prevention of the disease or the depth of the remission process.


Apply to both an element of integrated treatment for the strengthening of the vascular wall and improve the metabolism. Vitamins improve overall health, enhance immunity, accelerate the regeneration of tissues. Therefore, they can apply at any stage of the disease, including the prevention of the aggravation of the process and in the presence of trophic disorders.

the treatment of varicose veins

How to choose the best drugs?

What type of medicine of varicose veins is the best? The unequivocal answer to this question is no. The most effective choice of medication depends on the severity of the pathology, the presence of complications, age, state of health of the patient. But even the most effective drug at the varicose veins will not change the position, if with him will not be taken to other means of treatment.