How does the removal laser varicose veins?

Treatment of varicose veins by laser is an advanced, reliable and less traumatic method. This disease presents aesthetic problems and is the pathology, the bearer of risk for human health, and facilitates change in venous blood vessels. By doing this, it is the likelihood of the formation of a blood clot, which may at any time break, and then comes death. Organized in the early stages of the laser therapy helps to overcome varicose veins, and a aesthetic result.

Indications and contra-indications

treatment of varicose veins by laser

The pretext for the execution of the operation using the laser varicose saphenous veins of the lower limbs. The laser treatment is used when the mouth of the river increased by more than 1 see the blood Vessels must have smooth progress without the presence of the coolest elbow, and from them gyrus — be in good health, that is a little advanced. This therapeutic method gives the positive effect on an early stage of the disease, if of varicose veins is expressed to a low extent.

Laser therapy shows on a small plot of land, therefore, it is not capable of having a negative impact on the surrounding tissues. It does not apply on vessels, if they occupy a large place. Their ineffectiveness of this method showed it at the varicose veins of the deep veins.

In the list of contra-indications to a treatment using the laser coagulation includes:

  • of pregnancy.
  • breast-feeding;
  • the reception of hormonal means;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases, inflammatory and purulent processes on the lower limbs;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the intolerance of elastic compression.

Although the contra-indications to the organization of an intervention aimed at getting rid of varicose veins, enough, but they are specific and are exposed to the extent of the examination.

How does the procedure of laser coagulation

Thanks to the clinical management of the equipment is assured, selective, and curative therapy on the area of the wall of the vein. The cold laser does not heat the blood and the continuation of the formation of a blood clot.

The removal of dilated vessels on the lower limbs starts with the marking of the vein. With the help of the ULTRASOUND device a marker of fact, the markup is affected venous grid. These manipulations allow then to enter through noticeable sting (of a diameter of 3 mm) of the led.

Then a local anesthesia is most often used novocaïne, but may apply to other anesthetics. It is resolved anaesthetist. The objective of this procedure resides in the anesthsie and the creation of a system of hedging to side of the surgical area. Is the anesthesia for fine-needle aspiration under ultrasound control.

After this, you perform the operation itself. The doctor chooses the best mode and the strength of the impact on the affected area. By the puncture of the vein is introduced single led. When he pulls, the treatment of the vessel wall of the laser pulse. This leads to their bonding. The person during the operation, the more often nothing feels or feels a slight tingling sensation.

The effects of the treatment of varicose veins laser

Complications after laser coagulation of varicose veins come in rare cases. The effects of the operation are:

  • the formation of blood clots;
  • the development of inflammatory processes;
  • the suppuration;
  • the burn of the dermis;
  • the accumulation of blood under the skin;
  • the appearance of hematomas.

During the first two days after the treatment in the legs can occur pain syndrome, in particular the vienna, on which was performed the operation. The seams on the role of surgery in the rehabilitation period, you must handle it with care. To do this, overlap the bandages. If the seams at the time will not be processed, and the bandages are not replaced by charges, injuries can deteriorate.

The postoperative period

the treatment of varicose veins

The use of compression of the lower limbs is mandatory in the rehabilitation period after a laser treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs. Once that is done the laser treatments, when will be removed in the dead of vienna, who must be the doctor imposing an elastic bandage.

In the following bint change on a compression garment. Due to the compression in the deep veins of the legs improves the circulation of blood, the surface of the vessels continue to expand. Wearing stockings, tights or socks every day. After the operation is forbidden to shoot, even at night.

In the postoperative period need to perform a number of simple rules. After laser surgery on the resolution of varicose veins, the person must move. It is recommended to walk at least 1 hour. Need to give up a certain time of the visit:

  • the solarium;
  • sauna;
  • spas.

Prohibited from the exercise in the gym. The preventive treatment of varicose veins consists of a healthy and active life. After the end of treatment, the person must:

  • eat well and control your weight;
  • to renounce to the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • hiking and cycling.

Doctors recommend to do exercises to improve the elasticity of the veins.


Total price for the treatment of varicose veins laser to the sum of the following factors:

  • the consultation of a doctor;
  • prior to the ultrasound;
  • anesthesia;
  • the complexity of the rapid response;
  • supervision of your doctor.

The cost of laser coagulation of varicose veins will also affect the stage of development of the disease, localization of lesions and their number.