What is reticular varicose veins of the lower limbs?

Varicose veins reticular veins is seen in many adults. How to manifest the disease, and are there effective ways of therapeutic effects on the sick of vessels?

What is it?

reticular varicose veins

Reticular (from the latin reticulum — net) or varicose veins in the form of a grid is not a type of pathology, and the reticular form of varicose vein disease, from its initial phase. It is characterized by the expansion of small intradermal surface of the vessels and the emergence of telangiectasia.

Telangiectasia is visible under the skin of the plexus extended up to 0.5-1 mm in arterioles, venules and capillaries, which manifest in the form of cyanotic-red spots with branches, recalling the shape of the grid, arachnids plexus, of the stars.

Diagnosed with the disease is more common in women. According to the results of medical research, net weight varicose veins discover from 35 to 45% of women and 15 to 20% of adult men.

The causes of

The main reasons for the evolution of the disease:

  • decrease of the elasticity and the density of the vascular wall;
  • the violation of the procedure of the circulation of the blood;
  • the improper use of the valves of the veins.

Among the factors that cause changes in the blood vessels, release:

  • the period of gestation of the child, in particular from 5 to 9 months of gestation, because of the increase in the volume of blood in the blood vessels, increasing the load on the feet, the crushing of veins of the abdomen growing of the uterus;
  • hormonal "bursts" in the course of pregnancy and menopause;
  • a hereditary predisposition to a weakness of the venous wall due to the violation of the structure of the connective tissue;
  • excess weight – in the event of an increase of the body mass index (bmi up to 27 kg/m2, the probability of disease increases to 30%;
  • the activity of working with a long stay in a standing position, sitting, during periodic lifting and carrying heavy loads (dockworkers, athletes, weight-heavy, sellers, hairdressers, travelers);
  • the wearing of corsets, belts, that increase the pressure inside the peritoneum, jeans, compress the vessels in the groin area;
  • continued use of glucocorticoids and contraceptive pills;
  • diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dermatological diseases, including rosacea;
  • injury, fractures of the limbs;
  • excessive and long exposure to sunlight, smoking;
  • the low quantity of fibre in the diet leads to constipation of long duration, which contributes to the enlargement of veins, the lack of minerals – to the weakening of the wall of blood vessels.

The symptoms

Among the underlying signs of the initial phase reticular varicose veins:

  • the appearance of a blue color to red telangiectasia — point, star, net of stains of different sizes and brightness that is discovered more often on the ankles, behind the knees, on the hips, after the pressure they whiten, but manifest themselves again;
  • the gravity, the tension of the calf muscles, fatigue when walking.

The symptoms that occur if the disease develops:

  • the distribution of telangiectasia on the net of the skin, the increase in the diameter of the capillaries;
  • the abdominal distention in the legs, tingling, "creepy" (paresthesias);
  • cramps in the muscles of the legs during the night or in the morning;
  • pulling pain;
  • the weakness of the swelling of the feet, calves, ankles, towards evening, in the morning disappears;
  • itching of the skin above areas of expansion reticular vessels;
  • a burning sensation on line vascular disease;
  • the pain when the pressure of the calf muscles;
  • progressive swelling of the saphenous veins, the formation of bumps of the size of 2-4 mm;
  • the event brownish or whitish spots over the dilated vessels, swelling, redness.

If the weather does not undertake activities to identify the causes of the disease and eliminate the first signs of the pathology will move to the stage of persistent varicose veins. In this case, under the skin, are formed in the vascular knots, the vessels become winding, walking painful.

The progression of the disease threat of consequences, such as thrombophlebitis, acute, non-healed ulcers trophic, the development of venous insufficiency, hemorrhage, thrombosis.

The diagnosis

The definition of reticular varicose veins is not difficult for a specialist. To evaluate the prevalence of abnormalities of the process, the degree of hemodynamic (blood flow), the distribution of velocities of the blood flow, to identify the signs of thrombosis, we use the methods of diagnosis:

  • ultrasound;
  • the duplex procedure;
  • the ultrasound Doppler veins;
  • radiological methods based on radionuclides.


the reasons of varicose veins

Treat the net varicose veins need immediately after diagnosis, not allowing the transition of the disease into the chronic phase, the development of complications.

Most of the methods of treatment keeps the patient of the symptoms of the disease. To cure the disease, it will be necessary to proceed to an extensive investigation by your doctor to find the root cause of the weakness of the vessels and blood circulation disorders.


When the marked varicose veins or under the skin, and the grids of the patients and people in good health, with a propensity to the disease it is necessary to buy the mi-low, low. Targeted medi compression is an important part of treatment.

Compression is designed to generate the different parts of the legs to different pressures.

The greatest pressure falls on the ankle because of there, the blood barely rises to the top. Of storage supports and compresses the extent of blood vessels, helping the flow of blood, removing the stagnation. In the area of the hip compression decreases of nearly 2.5 times, because in this area the load on the blood vessels less.

Permanent soft crushing of the veins does not prohibit the, normalizes microcirculation, reduces swelling, prevents obstruction of the thinning thrombus.

Others bezoperatsionnye methods of therapy

Among the other common conservative methods of treatment net of varicose veins micro-sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation.

Micro-sclerotherapy – the most common method for the recovery of reticular veins and resolve the telangiectasia. During the procedure use of substances which, without incisions of the needle are introduced into the interior of the container. The substance causes micro-damage to the inner lining of the vein, or capillary. Injuries are, rétrécissants the internal light. On the site of the former container is formed tyazh of connective tissue (depending on the type of scar), which only disappears by 10 to 12 months.

The sclerotherapy practice in the fluid of the technology, when in a container injected a liquid composition, or in the more progressive of the science — Foam-form sclerotherapy (sparkling). In the second version validates the solution is a micro-foam, which allows for better stretching on the affected container.

Often of the procedure under video surveillance, by controlling the process with the assistance of a duplex scanner.

Laser Photocoagulation of the vessels – a gentle and effective method ensures the removal of the procedure quickly, without the shedding of blood, without affecting healthy tissue. The procedure is performed under ultrasound control.

By a puncture in the skin, the doctor inserts it in the light of the sick came thin catheter and laser fiber. Under the heat of the laser beam, the wall of the affected vessels is soda.

Regardless of the number of vascular ramifications session of sclerotherapy and laser coagulation lasts from 15 to 60 minutes. To expressed therapeutic result, it takes 2 to 5 sessions.

The treatment using sclerotherapy and the laser beam are most frequently in an outpatient setting, under local anesthesia. Leaving the clinic, the patient can after 2 to 4 hours. After the procedure the area impose a pressure bandage with 4-10 days. Compression raised from 7 days to 30 days. 2 to 4 days, the patient is returned to a normal pace of life.

After the treatment is recommended 3-4 months:

  • drink up to 2-3 liters of fluid per day, in order to maintain the fluid properties of blood;
  • take all the medication prescribed by the doctor;
  • don't overlook compression Jersey during the long walk, the stay at the place of work in a standing or seated position;
  • a lot of walking;
  • renounce to high heels.

Other methods of treatment of reticular varicose veins are still 3 ways to therapy.

  1. An obliteration of vascular (engineering EVRF, RFO). Radio waves, radiation generated medical device, fastened on a branch of a catheter. Under the action of the radio waves from the wall of the vein stick together, the advanced vessel disappears, and the fabric is formed in its place, is eliminated.
  2. Treatment of the occlusion of micro-pulses of torque (engineering SVS). A technique developed by the French doctors. Provides for the treatment of light varicose veins vessel of hot steam to come through introduced catheter. The steam penetrates into hard-to-access, anatomically tortuous vascular branches, rétrécissants and the "stickiness" of the capillaries and the veinuless.
  3. The method of biological treatment of the glue (Venaseal) – a new very effective and efficient way. The most often applied in the treatment of reticular veins in the first phase of expansion. In a receptacle under the control of ULTRASOUND with the aid of a syringe and a catheter injected from the special glue. Vienna was strongly compressed, the wall stick. Vascular under the skin of the grid will disappear almost immediately. During the treatment of small blood vessels did not need to wear compression after the procedure. Allergic reactions are excluded, such as a special glue of a natural product.

The surgical treatment

the treatment of varicose veins

Phlebectomy operation to the varicose veins of the lower limbs. Its pass, when the diameter of the vessel reaches 10 mm

Through a small incision, the surgeon removes on the surface of the vase, which bandage and cuts. The operation is performed under local anaesthesia. The procedure is done with a minimum of tissue damage, leaves no cosmetic defects.

Popular treatment

Recipes of the medicine in the treatment of reticular varicose veins, use in addition to therapy. The good result of the funds provide when they are combined with drugs, drugstore, ointments, wearing a compression shirt, especially in the first phase of telangiectasia.

  1. Unpeeled mature young fruits of sweet chestnut (50 g) finely chopped, pour a glass of vodka and leave to rest for 20 days. After taking 3 weeks, three times a day 15-20 drops. After 2 weeks of break, you can repeat it.
  2. Wash the cabbage leaves and put it in the cold for 24 hours. Before bedtime on dry skin of the affected area impose leaves and don't wrap tight. The processing is carried out every day for 1-2 months.
  3. Dried buds of birch fall asleep in the pot 0.5 litre 1/3. Pour vodka to the brim, insist 10 days. The stain gently rub in the plots with telangiectasia.


To avoid the appearance of a sub-skin "showgirls" it is advisable to follow the recommendations:

  • don't carry the weight, including the hand bags with products;
  • do not take hot baths, not to attend saunas;
  • wear elastic tights, or compression stockings;
  • more at home to keep the foot horizontal-raised position;
  • when you sit working to create conditions for the lower limbs were in a horizontal position, every 2-3 hours to make a 10-minute break on a gymnastics activate blood circulation;
  • to travel, to hike, not to overwork;
  • make contrasting bath or shower for the feet;
  • use medicinal ointment to prevent venous changes, taking medicines to improve vascular tone, on the recommendation of phlebologist;
  • swim in the pool with warm water;

You need to adjust the diet to get rid of excess weight, stop smoking.