The detail on the signs, symptoms and treatment of varicose veins on the legs of women

According to statistics, varicose veins in the legs suffer more than 72% of all women on the planet. Just one of the signs of varicose veins are benign, but in someone of an illness is past to run the form. Today, we speak about the feminine characteristics of the disease of the veins – for what reasons occurs, how it manifests as it is dangerous. We will also study the comments of people who are facing signs of varicose veins, and honor the comments of specialists on how to treat spider veins on the legs of women.

What's going on with the veins

varicose veins in women

The blood moves through the body in a circle, without stopping. Directs the movement of the heart: due to his cuts, the blood is sent through the arteries, the veins. From top to bottom the liquid will easily the cause of the force of attraction. But, once on the leg, she must make a u-turn and veins go to the top. And this is taking into account the gravity problem.

For that the circulation of the blood to the heart become possible, the veins should have strong, flexible walls and venous valves, playing a role of a kind of block, which must be run like a clock. The diagram healthy blood motion is the following: the heart pushes the liquid to the vessels, the veins walls are down, and throw the blood up, valves es and fix the flow on a certain site, don't give blood - "sliding down". When the next reduction of the vessel flow forward to the new site and there is fixed as follows the valve.

And now, imagine that for any reason:

  • The walls of veins lost your and are less elastic, it becomes unable to raise a large amount of blood.
  • The valves to "break" and are completely, skipping a part of the venous blood in the opposite direction.

In this case, the congestion: arterial blood down to the feet of the old regime, and here's purge to the heart slow. Instead of "breaking" begins to gather too much blood, it extends from the wall of the veins even more, appear the visible symptoms of varicose veins.

Why the disease

The doctors believe that the main cause of the development in women of varicose veins on the legs — a hereditary predisposition. If moms, dads, grand-mothers or grand-parents spoke a little about the symptoms of varicose veins to increase the venous illness with a high probability of a book to a woman. And a person may not know that he is predisposed to varicose veins on the feet. The disease manifests itself only under the influence of some factors. In the first place, the disturbances of varicose veins occur in women with "upright" professions. In the area of risk are:

  1. Surgeons.
  2. Dentists.
  3. Hairdressers.
  4. Sellers.
  5. Of the teacher.

A sedentary lifestyle also causes varicose veins. Particularly at risk the ladies who like to sit on the legs, or one leg over the other, in a position vienna pinch, and disrupted blood circulation.

Another common cause which causes of varicose veins on the legs and thighs, is the increase of the intra-abdominal pressure and compression of the vein. It occurs when the rise of a great weight, as varicose veins often occurs in women who love to exercise in the gym. In half of the cases of varicose veins occur during pregnancy. And for this reason is not only the varicose veins on the legs, but a dilation of the veins of the small pelvis (in the groin).

The first manifestations

There is a so-called point of the front of the varicose veins, officially the disease is not yet, but there are signs of dysfunction of the vein. At the examination, the doctor does not detect explicit deviations, – the tone of the venous walls at the point of the front of the varicose veins is optimal, the blood circulation is also optimal. But at the micro level varicose veins already begun to form, and the woman may notice mild symptoms.

The symptoms of varicose veins on the zero degree the following:

  • Tolerent of heaviness in the legs (the sign appears after a long walk or an extended period of time in the same position).
  • Barely visible, the swelling of the legs in the end of the day.
  • Sometimes, you get tingling in the legs, or seizures (suddenly produce and ship).

At this stage of varicose veins women the most easy-to-take measures, without the need for a serious treatment. Gymnastics, massage and compression procedure for the legs, it is all of prevention, which may help to bring vienna to the normal, but, alas, few people begins to happen, preferring not to lend to symptoms of attention.

The clues are obvious problems with the veins of the young girl

The next stages of varicose veins on the legs of women mainly characterized by external signs: during the formation of varicose veins on the legs appear, and fairly quickly increase swollen vienna blue (in the severe forms, they become purple). In addition to the color changes, the veins start not tt subcutaneous (under the form of tablets bumps).

The spider veins on the legs of women has not only the external symptoms. If you read the comments of sick people, you will see that almost all women with varicose veins complain about the signs of the disease:

  1. The pain and the severity of the burning sensation in the legs.
  2. Numbness of the toes.
  3. The decrease of the sensitivity of the skin in the neighbourhood of the diseased part of the body.
  4. The sensation of crawling on skin tingling.
  5. Frequent cramps in the legs.

The unfortunate consequences

If you run the spider veins on the legs, the symptoms of the disease become very painful. Venous expansion become very large – walk barefoot will not be possible. Vascular stockings transform into a huge, bulging "vein clusters." At the time of any injury, they will erupt, bleed and fester. A strong pain, a burning sensation, cramps in the legs concerned of the woman and by physical activity and at rest. Moving around becomes difficult.

Due to the long violation of the circulation of the blood may appear signs of dermatitis, eczema and other diseases of the skin and sub-cutaneous pathological changes. In most cases, running of varicose veins on the legs appear ulcers trophic in the legs and thrombosis. These pathologies are very difficult to deal with, and they have been extremely painful symptoms, not to bring the situation to such extremes and start the treatment at earlier stages of varicose veins.

The therapy of the first symptoms

the treatment of varicose veins

If the spider veins on the legs is sad symptoms, then you can try to treat it at home with the help of special underwear – it may be stockings or tights. In the early stages of the use of special products, coupled with the elimination of the cause of the disease, helps to rid the woman of varicose veins without any medication.

Compression stockings and tights act according to the principle of the beam. They improve the lost tone of the veins and create the backflow of blood. Judging by the comments of specialists, this type of lingerie also helps retain the blood vessels in the desired position and does not allow them to stretch even more. Only we would like to draw your attention: at home curing varicose veins can only be stockings and tights, with a minimum of compression. Products with high compression should be used only with permission of a doctor.

What other treatments that you can use at home? Process itself initial of varicose veins on the legs of women using the national means. The feedback is good for the remedies:

  • Rub the feet in infusion of horse chestnut, plantain, chamomile, jẳįšwẳl lugs or nettle.
  • Hot compresses bandages, moistened with a strong tea of the weld or of the infusion of the oak bark.
  • The friction in the feet of aloe juice or kalanchoe.
  • The foot massage apple cider vinegar (it needs to be diluted, not to cause burns).

With other means, how to treat varicose veins in the means, you can read blogs where people give real feedback on the different methods of treatment. For example, says a lot about how to treat early varicose veins at home with the help of a pillow anatomical.

Attention: the traditional remedies can not replace drug treatment launched of varicose veins. If the symptoms of the disease too explicit, then, alas, to treat, without the pills and ointments will not work.

Tools for processing medical assistance

Taking seriously the varicose veins of the feet, it is necessary to begin to treat the veins of medication. The doctor is mainly prescribed for women of drugs to effect healing. The goal of these treatments is the narrowing of the veins of the legs and of the restoration of the valves of the veins.

To sum up, the spider veins on the legs of women appear often for a variety of reasons. For the disease is not appeared best time to take care of prevention, that you can do at home. If the signs are a little on yourself, then independent treatment, you can proceed at an early stage. When pronounced signs of the disease can be treated only drugs medicinal means, which will select the doctor.