Varicose veins — causes, symptoms and treatment of varicose veins on the legs

Spider veins of the legs

In this article, we examine with You this unpleasant disease of the lower limbs, such as varicose veins, as well as its causes, symptoms and treatment of varicose veins, and traditional and folk remedies.

What is the spider veins for the man with ordinary? It is fatigue in the legs, perhaps with a little bit of swelling, cyanosis of the, sometimes dark spider webs veins. Let's see what is this disease with a medical point of view.

Varicose veins (varices) — the enlargement and elongation of the vein (vessels, bringing the blood to the heart) of the lower limbs to the thinning of the vein wall and the formation of these nodes. The nodules are well formed as a result of the pathology of the venous wall, as well as of their insufficient valves, due to a genetic defect.

Varicose veins manifests itself in an increase of the venous pressure.

Varicose veins is:

  • of the lower limbs;
  • of the stomach and the esophagus;
  • pelvic;
  • testis and of the spermatic cord.

The most common place for manifestation of the disease is varicose veins of the lower limbs, which, today, it will be.

Today, the varicosities is one of the most prevalent diseases, who suffer every 3 woman and every 10 man. Intermissions point out that most often the disease begins at a young age — from 30 to 40 years.

Feet of women in high-heeled shoes

The reasons of varicose veins

The main causes of varicose veins:

  • the mode of life or work, associated with serious of the mobility of charges, a prolonged stay in the same position (standing or sitting) or in permanence the ambient temperature is high;
  • a significant increase of the mass of the body;
  • a hereditary predisposition;
  • influence of acne-hormonal (pregnancy and hormonal drugs).

Side for reasons of varicose veins

The obstacles in the outputs of the blood in the veins. These barriers can be: a blood clot, the uterus, the tumor.

Stress and nervous disorders. They have an impact on the condition of the blood vessels. In the wall of the veins of the nerve endings that give them elasticity. The increase of the pressure in them, the impact of toxins and the alcohol of the lumen of blood vessels loses its tone and expansion.

Arterial-venous anastomosis. These anastomosis can be formed due to the pressure in the area of flow the arterial blood cells.

Sports overload. In the risk group for lovers of patagate the rod in the gym. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins overload the feet of excessive exercise and raise the gravity are non-smoking.

Inconvenient clothes and shoes. Strongly tight clothing such as tight jeans, can become a cause of the appearance of varicose veins. Also harmful narrow shoes and high heels. When choosing shoes, preferably with a wide sole, the more durable, less pressure on the legs. Walking in balance on high heels, we are in vienna with a huge load, and if in heels add heavy bags of groceries, so the veins is not to be envied.

All these reasons contribute to the enlargement of the veins, increase the venous pressure and the poor functioning of the valves of the veins. The result is a pathological flow of blood in the veins of the lower limbs — the reflux (reverse flow of venous blood from the deep veins in the surface waters). They may cause a worsening of the disease over time, increasing the pressure on venous many times.

Good blood, when the blood flows in the veins of the legs from the bottom to the top, this is achieved with the help of several factors: the pressure of the blood in the arteries unite their efforts, the contraction of the muscles of the foot during the movements and to the presence in the veins of the valves, the obstacles to the inverse of the flow of blood. The inability of these valves to perform its intended function causes a breach outflow of venous blood, which leads to the hyperextension veins. Because of this current of blood becomes more chaotic, the blood stagnates in the veins of the lower limbs (in particular in the sub-cutaneous), the pressure increases, the walls of the blood vessels begin to develop and become more subtle.

The symptoms of varicose veins

The symptoms of varicose veins are directly linked with the stages of the varicose disease.

I and phase II of varicose veins

  • the appearance of venous patterns on the feet, legs and thighs;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the legs and bloating;
  • cramps, especially at night;
  • the swelling of the legs, after a day of work;
  • moderate pain in the legs;
  • increase of fatigue.

III and IV of the phase of varicose veins

The manifestations of varicose veins
  • swelling;
  • spider veins (telangiectasia);
  • the pain of a different nature (hot water throbbing, itching in the muscles, pain when walking, pain during the course of the venous trunks, the total pain and soreness in the legs);
  • convoluted, very large varicose veins, protruding on the surface of the skin, legs and feet;
  • the changes of the skin (the skin becomes dry and pigmentation will appear, after the skin of the legs darkens and is covered with brownish spots). As a result these symptoms can include: dermatitis, eczema and trophic disorders in the form of poor wound healing ranok until the formation of ulcers.

Quite rarely, but there are symptoms such as bleeding in the rupture of the nodes, which occur most often at night.


Complications of varicose veins

If the varicose veins appeared symptoms such as fever or weakness, may be, the disease is passed at the stage of complications.

When the complication of varicose veins may occur:

  • eczema;
  • ulcers of the skin;
  • heavy venous bleeding at the slightest accident;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ulcer trophic;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • the bleeding varices nodes.

The diagnosis of varicose veins

When the symptoms of varicose veins, of the order of a correct diagnosis or rebuttal, you should contact: whereas, a neurologist, ben the ado.

The procedures for the diagnosis of varicose veins: ULTRASOUND or venography.

Ultrasound of the lower limbs

The treatment of varicose veins

How to treat varicose veins? On this question, replied the doctor, after a diagnosis. Indeed, only correctly diagnosis improves the positive result for the treatment of varicose veins.

In turn, the doctor can prescribe treatment options:

  • the drug treatment of varicose veins (cream, ointment, tablets);
  • a set of procedures, depending on the symptomatology and the phase of development of the disease (below the article);
  • surgical treatment (removal of affected veins).

Tools of varicose veins

  • Ointment and cream for varicose veins

They act as a tool of prevention and support of how to treat the disease at an early stage. They help:

  • relieve the pain;
  • reduce the swelling;
  • improve the operations of the valve system;
  • improve the tone of the vascular wall;
  • all restore the normal blood flow;
  • prevent the development of complications.
  • Tablets varicose veins

The pill is prescribed in the cases where the localization of the disease cannot administer medication via topical route, or as part of a treatment of varicose veins. They help:

  • improve the tonicity of the vessels;
  • remove the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate the blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • liquidate the microcirculation of the offence.

The procedure for the treatment of varicose veins

Endovenous laser photocoagulation. The doctor has an impact on the patient receptacle of a laser and an asterisk disappear. Performed under local anesthesia. After a few weeks on the skin all the time reminders on evaluations of the procedure. Applies to the treatment of varicose veins in the initial stages.

The sclerotherapy. In the vein of the problem of the syringe are introduced to the substance, and astonished to vienna glue to the inside and stops working, and the blood starts to not veins healthy. This procedure is not suitable for all. It is prescribed that if the nodes are not very large.

The ozonothérapie. The ozone is introduced a small needle into the lumen of the vessel and the origin of collage. To achieve a visible effect of some procedures. Applied to solve the varicosities.

The phlebectomy. A surgical procedure in which the dead vienna simply removed. The day after the operation, you can go home, but still at least a month you need to wear tights or connect a leg elastic.

In the process of treatment of varicose veins, it is recommended to use the healing of the physical education and medical hosiery.

Physiotherapy during the varicose veins. Helps relieve heavy legs, normalize blood circulation and eliminate stasis of venous blood.

The movement is life. If You have a sedentary job, try to walk every day. It is also recommended cycling and swimming. And here is the jogging can be damaging to the state of the veins and the well-being of man.

Some examples of exercises for the legs:

  • sitting on a chair, press the feet to each other and not lower the socks, then on heels, and repeat 15-20 times;
  • drawing with both hands at shoulder height on the wall, jump on the socks, then on heels, repeat 20 times;
  • standing on an inhalation, lift the hands up, and get up on your toes, as you exhale, relax and become a heel, repeat 20 times;
  • sitting lift above the level of the ground alternately one and then the other leg, turn the feet feet in the ankles in both directions, making small circles, repeat 15 to 20 times;
  • sitting erect on the tip of the foot simultaneously on both feet, repeat 15-20 times.

Therapeutic jersey. Wearing these clothes helps to improve the state affected by the veins due to compression, blood flow and eliminates venous stasis of the blood in the blood vessels. The port of a therapeutic linens can be considered as a tool in a complex with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The health of the feet

Treatment of varicose veins folk remedies

It is important! Before you apply " the remedies of varicose veins be sure to consult your doctor!

Treatment of varicose veins, ready-to-herbal fresh

Comment of an expert phytothrapeute: herbal medicine, herbal medicine) has some major advantages, for example:

  • the herbal medicine eliminates the causes of the disease,
  • the herbs have a minimum number of contra-indications (usually it is an individual intolerance),
  • the herbal medicine has the least side effects,
  • the herbs are composed of a large number of vitamins and other nutrients, which, in addition to the treatment of the disease, still, and contribute to the consolidation of the general body,
  • affordability.

Herbalists to modern solutions that already take into account the specific composition of the collection, the dosage, the order, etc., the Courses are designed by experts in medicine, on the basis of its many years of experience.

Other remedies for varicose veins

Kalanchoe Cirrus. Kalanchoe pinnate leaves and keep in a pot with a litre (leaves must be half of the banks). Fill with 70% alcohol and insist in a dark place for 14 days. Prior to the application of to stir the bank. Every day before bedtime lubricate legs and feet. The pain would go away already after the first application. If the varicose veins started, iup, for the processing needs of 4 months.

Apples Antonivka". In the boil 1 litre of water, take the 3 apples, cover and put in a warm place for 4 hours. Then, do not remove the apples, cut up, mix the solution and strain. To take, adding 1 tablespoon of honey, polruki (50 g) in the morning before the meal, and the evening before going to bed. The tool also cleans the blood, improves sleep and appetite.

Potatoes. Clean 5 potatoes and grate. Result of the puree, grate and divide the feet. After 4 hours of completely the pain will pass, and then, wash the potatoes in warm water.

Flowers of chestnut tree. 50 g of flowers pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, and let stand for 14 days, daily shaking the bottle. Never miss a result of the dye through the mesh and drink 1 tbsp 3 times per day before meals with water. Treaties of the week, make a pause of 2 weeks. Then, repeat again.

The garlic with the oil. Take a white garlic onion, and mash. Mix with the two pieces of butter. Put promote veins of the night, from the top to not put the parchment paper and secure with a bandage or a scarf hot. In the morning, wash it off and put up something warm and soft.

Prevention of varicose veins

Barefoot on the grass

As all the world knows for a long time – the disease, prevention is better than cure. Consider some of the rules of life, observing that, you can prevent the onset of varicose veins:

  • if You have a sedentary job, make time to time a break. Can make about the place of work of gymnastics. Try to walk;
  • if the work standing up, on the contrary, to allow time for leisure;
  • give up habits when you're sitting down to throw the legs, if any, You have;
  • don't wear things that are highly compress (for example, highly tight jeans, bottom with elastic demand information tense. But in general, women in general is strictly forbidden to wear dense and tight pants, because in this case of circulation disorders in the field of genito-urinary system;
  • do not wear constantly narrow shoes and high-heeled shoes (for these shoes is valid seldom on vacation);
  • if You have constipation, do not let the chance since constipation increases the pressure level of the circulation of the pelvic region;
  • there is also a bike;
  • try a lot of swimming.
  • during the holidays, from time to time, place feet on the heights (15 to 20 cm above the heart);
  • try to exercise regularly;
  • watch your weight;
  • reduce in the diet of harmful products and sweets, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, that is to say, the products that are enriched with vitamins;
  • throw out the bad habits (tobacco and alcohol);
  • try to take a shower;
  • drink at least 2 litres of water per day, which will also save You from the dehydration of the body, with its unpleasant symptoms;
  • do not overuse tanning in the sun and in the solarium.

Your doctor apply to the varicose veins?

  • Phlebology.