Folk remedies and vitamins against varicose veins

But it is absolutely not contrary to their efficiency. What means can be used with success to combat varicose veins?

treatment of varicose veins of the house

Leeches from varicose veins

The leeches at least one of the creatures, pesky, but very useful. They are used in the fight against varicose veins. What is it that is precious to the leech? Their saliva, as it turns out, contains in its composition of many substances which have the property of intensifying the many processes of the body. The saliva of leeches has been used in ancient times for the body differed from the blood clots, called thrombus. Similarly, when the high viscosity of the blood, and its large number in the veins leeches are indispensable to aspirate the blood and remove the excess.

Interesting fact: a leech for an hour to drain approximately 15 ml of blood. And then, sucked, it is detached from the body. But this is not all. After a leech bite and fall out of the hole that is formed, emerges even up to 15 ml of blood. This allows to develop microscopic blood vessels, to ensure the flow of blood, and other organs and tissues.

The leeches against the spasms and convulsions

The treatment of leeches (girudoterapiya) – it is an excellent remedy against spasms of the vessels, as well as the fight against high blood pressure, edema of the legs. Leeches help restore the blood circulation, they contribute to the circulation of blood strengthens and nourishes the internal organs and tissues. This is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Leeches have helped reduce the risk of abnormalities of the vessel wall, establish normal blood clotting, thanks to them, the body is cleansed of toxins.

Contra-indications to the use of leeches

And no, there are contra-indications? Yes, of course. This is a reduction of coagulation, an increase in bleeding, including gums, anemia, pregnancy, which is very strong for the thinness and the metabolism speeded up, an individual intolerance of the leeches, as well as the state of pregnancy. We can't put leeches to the children and very elderly, in particular disorders of the body.

The leeches should not be placed in locations where the skin is too thin – it is damaging to the skin and the blood vessels below it. This is why you can't put a leech and just above a vase, especially if it is a vase, dazzled by the walls.

The best point of leeches

Therapist (a medical doctor, who assigns the leeches) will tell you at what point it is better to put leeches. Is better to put where, according to the canons of eastern medicine, are the meridians. For leeches have been even more effective, you need to combine it with the massage, self-massage and physical therapy to combat varicose veins.

Vitamins to strengthen the blood vessels


For the blood vessels has been strong and solid, you have to nurture not only from the outside but from the inside. Vitamins in sufficient quantity also to help fight against the formation of blood clots, normalizes microcirculation of blood in the veins and arteries.

Vitamin rutin (vitamin P) is an excellent tool that reduces the permeability of vessel walls and restores the strength, elasticity. Vitamin e is also a reduced capillary fragility, through which flows the blood. This vitamin in abundance contain these products:

  • The dogrose;
  • The berries of black currant;
  • Citrus fruits;
  • Green tea;
  • The mountain ash aronia.

Be aware that the vitamin e in the body the better digested with other vitamin – C. They reinforce the impact of each other in the body. And a gel-based routine is very good to sully their dead varicose veins space. These two methods will help you to struggle with swelling of the veins, which is already very well manifested in the skin of the feet. With the gel rutin in the composition, for example, Troxevasin, helps relieve the inflammation in the veins, reduces their permeability, to relieve the distorted sites veins.

The seeds of the horse chestnut

It is also a great folk remedy for varicose veins. You can prepare a tincture from the seeds of the horse chestnut themselves, the bay of alcohol, and put it in the week to brew, and then smeared the dead varicose veins space on the feet.

If the body has enough vitamin b,, human muscles become weak, the feet may lose its sensitivity or lose some of the time, the feet the skin may burn, and the members are often swollen. The food and supplements of vitamin a In the composition can fight against these phenomena.

The vitamin a In many in wheat, legumes, cereals, meat of birds and pigs, a lot of it also in the liver regardless, of beef or pork, as well as in beer. Drugs and food with the vitamin b help to strengthen vein walls and improve vascular tone and of the whole body, help the pain in the legs.

When the man refer to a disorder of the blood circulation in the veins, vitamin a supplements To prescribe 2-3 times a day for a month.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid

If the body is not enough pantothenic acid, the onset of pain in the legs, cramps of the calf muscles, especially cramps can occur at night, which is especially dangerous to the nervous system of the man. There was a danger of diseases of the skin, as well as inflammation of the vein. To recharge the body into vitamin B5, it is necessary to take a little more of the peanut, the liver, there is porridge, sprouted grain, bran cereals, drinking of boiled chicken egg yolks, cabbage, broccoli, meat.

But it is important to know that vitamin B5 is very unstable. It collapses quickly, if the food comes from the heat, boiling, icing. Vitamin B5 is also lost if the grain of its content to grind.

If, in humans, varicose veins, doctors may affect up to 250 mg of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), 2 times per day.

Vitamin c askorbinka)

This vitamin is very good for strengthening the walls of veins and blood vessels. The ascorbic acid helps the body fight against colds, bacteria, viruses. Because of the vitamin with the body much better and more effective signed to the essentials for the blood of the elements iron.

The lack of vitamin c leads to the destruction of the walls of the blood vessels and capillaries, in a man rapidly forming bruises and the evil become, as well as bad to heal the wound. To replenish a deficiency of vitamin c, and effectively fight with varicose veins, you must obtain it from the fruit of the dogrose, citrus, peppers, tomatoes, melon, sea buckthorn, black currant and rowan. If the person has already formed ulcers trophic, vitamin c should be taken every day, not less than 2 grams.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Due to the vitamin And cells on the walls of the blood vessels are kept much better, the walls of the blood vessels are more durable, and the vessels permeable to blood. Vitamin A is very good for the healing of venous ulcers of the last stage of varicose veins.

The vitamin A, you can take the melon, liver, spinach, cabbage, carrots, milk, fresh apricots. Its dosage is strictly to specific medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the assignment of the optimal doses of vitamin A, or retinol.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

This vitamin is very good for the protection of cellular membranes, as well as the confrontation of the body of bacteria and viruses. If the body lack of tocopherol, the muscles of the legs weaken, the muscles may lose their shape, atrophying, man begins to experience difficulties when walking, and it decreases the sensitivity of the feet. It may be that the lack of vitamin E in humans decreases the reflexes, for example, a reaction to hot, cold or slowness of movement. It may also not have the sensitivity to vibration. For example, when driving.

Vitamin E can be learned from vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, cottonseed oil, a lot of tocopherol and peanuts, margarine, almonds, sunflower seeds. These products must be consumed for the health of the veins and muscles of the leg.

Of course, these vitamins for the health of veins and good blood circulation will not be sufficient, the need of the other, and sodium, potassium, omega-fatty acids, as well as zinc and copper. Then the diet of man will be rich and it is an excellent prevention against the wiles of varicose veins.

Delicious recipes for Walkers

Dr Walker – nutritionist american, which has created a system to fight against diseases of the feet, in particular with varicose veins. It has been proposed for the treatment of the use of the juice, but it is not on display, natural, fresh. Fruit juices have a huge advantage on the products: they are digested immediately after they have drunk, and have the most positive impact on all the systems of the body. In particular, hematopoiesis, and blood circulation. What juice best you can do for the treatment of varicose veins?


It is necessary to take 6 pieces of spinach juice and 10-parts carrot juice. An excellent remedy against tumors of the feet, leg ulcers, exchange in the tissues, weakness, loss of strength. The juice is very useful for the proper and timely to reduce the blood vessels, it helps in strengthening the muscles, the vessels and the muscles of the leg.

Carrots, celery and society

Need to take of the juice of carrots – 7 pieces, celery juice – 4 pieces, spinach juice – 3 parts and juice persil – 2 pieces. All of these juices, you need to mix and immediately drink. This will help you to combat the water retention thanks to the high amount of sodium in celery, help the blood to circulate more rapidly through the vessels, thanks to the carrots. The persil is a very good remedy against bacteria (before she dealt with even diseases of the genital tract) and the prevention of cramps. The juice is good strengthens the walls of vessels and reduces their fragility.

The carrot, beet and cucumber

The juice of these vegetables are very good for prevent varicose veins. Need to take carrot juice – 10 pieces, beet juice – 3 parts cucumber juice – 3 parts. This mix contains a whole pantry of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the health of the vein.

There, and the sodium, calcium, potassium, and chlorine, phosphor, and this all helps to normalize blood pressure, increase blood flow, to farm the wall of blood vessels. The beet is generally very good, in order to reduce the risk of developing blood clots, it can thin the blood. When the thrombophlebitis the perfect ingredient.

Carrots, turnips and other vegetables

For the preparation of this juice need about 4 ingredients. It is the carrot – 8 pieces of spinach juice – 4 parts of juice, turnips – 2 parts of juice of watercress – 2 pieces. In this juice is a mixture of what did not: the sulphur and the iron, phosphorus and magnesium and potassium, and calcium.

All these ingredients can easily dissolve blood clots blood clots and promote good blood circulation. If the blood clot is not still, this fruit juice blend is essential for the prevention of their education.

If the person the deprivation of oxygen, the mixture of these juices to fill a lack of oxygen when tissue hypoxia. It is important, for the preparation of this juice mixture used beet with green leaves – they have a lot of vitamins. And the carrots, there is also the green fade at the end, it is also useful to juice mixture. This will improve the impact of fruit juice on the state of the veins when the varicose veins.

Traditional recipes for varicose veins

To effectively fight against varicose veins, you can use the forces of nature. For the man it is very important to take good care of the plants that grow in the country these plants are better absorbed by the body and help to fight against the diseases of the veins.



In order to reduce the damage to the body, ulcers trophic, you need to use here is this recipe. It contributes to the phlebitis, varicose veins, upon the occurrence of ulcers trophic, in particular ulcers that form on the tibia.

It is necessary to take of the bark of hazelnuts (filberts), and leaves all the grind in equal parts. 1 tablespoon of this mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water and put to cool, and never in time. Then, take one-fourth cup 3 times per day before meals.


Drugs prepared from it, help the blood to clot more slowly, thanks to the chestnut strengthens the walls of veins, which reduces their inflammation, as well as inflammation of the muscles and joints, especially of the calf, is the quality of the product and in the fight against varicose veins.

How to do it? It is necessary to take 50 g of fruit and flowers of horse chestnut (crushed), brew, the bay of 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. Leave-14 days rise in a warm place in the dark. There is a secret to the drink acted for the best, you need to be discussed 1 times per day. Take a tincture horse chestnut can be 3-4 times per day. The course of treatment – 1 month. After that, the man feels much better.

Preparations beyond chestnut even use for the treatment of complications of varicose veins.

The kalanchoe

It is a simple plant is very very good for varicose veins. It is necessary to take the kalanchoe, which is not less than one year. Wash the leaves, the days to keep in the fridge, and cut them to fill the pot with a liter and a half. Pour the all it is vodka, so it covers a kalanchoe to 2 fingers. Allow the stain to lift 2 to 3 days in a cool dark place. Then, you can RUB her feet during the night. Very good help when varicose veins – venous nodes become much less, and the veins are not swollen.