Varicose vein pelvic: symptoms, causes, treatments

When people lived a life more active, more advanced, the pathology of this plan were rare. Office work, travelling in public transport have led to what the man has to solve the various problems of health. Among the different pathologies, we can note the varicose veins pelvic. It is a pathology associated with a significant decrease in the total elasticity of the veins.

varicose vein pelvic

The disease is more common for women who have already reached a reproductive age category. The cause of the pathology is a casting blood of the composition, that he is called to the increase of the uterus. This phenomenon is very often exacerbated by the changes in the process general hormonal background, the restructuring of the organization, for example, during pregnancy.

Manifested by varicose veins of the small pelvis, low pain, if the woman is long. Mild discomfort may occur when the course of sexual intercourse, in a serious load. In more advanced cases of the disease can cover the area of the perineum, the buttocks and even vulva.

The causes and the possible risks

The causes of this pathology, such as varicose veins pelvic, we can carry the characteristics of the ratio of the quantity of hormones in women. Among the reasons leading to the formation of the pathology, we may distinguish:

  1. The reception of hormonal means;
  2. The use of hormonal contraceptives;
  3. A multitude of interruption of sexual of the sexual act, such as protection against unwanted pregnancies;
  4. The absence of orgasm;
  5. Many consecutive childbirth;
  6. Work sitting or severe load on the body on the physical plane;
  7. The various problems inherent in, for example, the weakness of the veins in their walls.

It is important! Varicose veins in a small basin quite often noted in pregnant women. The pathology develops in 30% of cases. It should be possible to be attentive to your general health.

In a risk group can be attributed to patients who have a predisposition to pelvic inflammation. Often the condition develops after or in the middle of these diseases, such as tumors, cysts or endometriosis. If a woman has a high concentration of the substance estrogen, it also applies to a risk group.

The symptoms and signs

Varicose veins veins of the small pelvis is characterized by symptoms such as the pain of different intensity levels, it all depends on the health. Quite often, the patient is faced with acute unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Many have pointed out the sensitivity of the entire perineum , are the present strengths of the selection, as well as a violation of the rules.

Can be a violation in the process of urination and a sensation of heaviness in the pelvic region, especially if the patient is a long time in his position.

For each patient, the characteristic of their symptoms. They may be present all at the same time, or some of them, as well as the different may be their severity. In other words, the varicose vein pelvic, manifests itself in different ways.

Characteristics of the classification of the pathology

Before proceeding to the treatment of this pathology such as varicose veins of the pelvic region in women, the specialist determines the degree of the varicose veins pelvic.

At this time, varies the three main degree of the pathology, which vary in width in diameter the damaged veins, also has a total value of location of the main disorders.

Therefore, we distinguish three categories, and the degree of the extension:

  • The first degree, the indicators of diameter equal to 5 mm, and the race of a vessel of the spirit looks like a corkscrew.
  • The second degree – vienna can reach 6 to 10 mm in diameter, can be defined ectasia particular plexus of the ovary.
  • Of the third degree. Here, the diameter of the vein is 10 mm, and the location can be with the parameters and of the backbone.

Directly a function of the level of development of the pathology, are selected of some of the methods of treatment literacy. This can be a simple lifestyle change or surgical intervention. During the first two stages of complete healing after the normal course of conservative treatment. The physicians in this case, prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, diet and special exercises.

During the evolution of the disease, up to the third degree, the specialist is often use of surgery, modern methods of treatment. It is, perhaps, the ligation, and embolization of the veins.

How the definition of the pathology

Rely exclusively on the complaint of the patient, the physician has no right, as the signs of the disease are similar to many gynecological diseases of nature.

The diagnosis and its degree of development, the following activities:

the reasons of varicose veins
  • The examination of all the pelvic organs.
  • Transcranial Doppler of all vessels, to identify the damages caused.
  • The laparoscopy with a probable ligation of the veins of the ovary.
  • Ultrasound professional research. Takes place through the abdominal wall and through the vagina.
  • X-ray examination or phlebography.
  • Can be made from the ct scan, if you want the refinement of diagnosis.
  • Master phlebography, a professional of the penetration of the diagnostic method.

These methods allow to establish the diagnosis, to the exclusion of other diseases. The achievement of an accurate diagnosis to prevent the wrong medication.

In the process of implementation of measures related to the elimination of the disease, it should be noted that the presence of varicose veins in the pelvis may be the cause of the predisposition to common processes of varicose veins of the entire body. As a result will have to adapt the day mode and the mode of life. Surgery practices is to resort in extreme cases. If you have installed any of the varicose veins pelvic, the general treatment of the literacy and careful must be.

A common treatment

Taking into account the characteristics of this disease, such as varicose veins pelvic, the treatment boils down to the achievement of certain results. It is important in the rate of drive the tone of the veins, it is necessary to prevent the phenomena stagnant in the blood vessels, in order to effectively prevent an invasion.

In accordance with the goals and objectives of design has been developed by a number of activities aiming in particular to eliminate this disease.

Among the main therapeutic manipulation, we can mention:

  1. The plan.
  2. Gymnastics.
  3. Drugs.
  4. Assigned to the sock of compression of the linen.
  5. The use of ointments from varicose veins, and special equipment.

All types of designated activities related to the processing, are chosen strictly individual. Each schema applies to their specific category, each of which will be described in more detail.

Conservative treatment

If we describe the conservative treatment of veins and vessels of the pelvis, it may be noted that it is governed complete elimination of the symptoms of the pathology. Necessarily made the particular replay in the daily life of the patient. This is necessary in order to establish a balance between rest and activity. Development of a good nutrition, the use of special charges.

Professionals strongly recommend to control the time that the patient is in an upright position. As the add-ons can be assigned to these effective medications.

Food and Nutrition

Necessarily a doctor examines the patient's nutrition. During the design of the power supply are excluded from these products, which exhibit a large amount of fat. Also excluded are drinks containing alcohol. Preference is given to products that present a high amount of fiber, healthy fats. The vegetables, cereals, fruit, fish and vegetable oils.

Spicy and salty during the treatment totally excluded. At the same time, should completely abandon the nicotine. This is especially important if the varicose veins of the pelvic region in men was detected.

Useful exercises

good nutrition

During the detection of varicose veins the doctor prescribed exercises when the varicose veins pelvic. Among the most common gymnastic exercises are distinguishable complexes, such as the bicycle, the vertical birch, a pair of scissors.

All these exercises are implemented actively in the development of the feet, and without overloading of the lumbar region. The position of the body in which they are executed, lead to the tide of blood, which goes automatically to the stagnation.

Surgical procedures

The procedure is quite extreme at the event. It is used in the case of a neglect of the disease, as well as a genetic predisposition. The main varieties of surgical intervention can be attributed bandage veins, can be carried out by a special procedure.

If necessary, a surgical intervention, the choice of the procedure is strictly individual. It all depends on the location of the lesion, it is internal to varicose veins, is external.

The traditional methods

In the process of treatment of varicose veins pelvic organizes different specific procedures are infusions, in a position effectively to tone the veins. Specialists often prescribe a tincture of the chestnut horse, chaga, as well as the decoction of the roots of dandelion. Useful, is the treatment of leeches, when on the coccyx and the sacrum are superimposed on the leeches.

It is important! The treatment methods of treatment will never replace the most effective to provide treatment. Recipe, you can use them only as additional procedures. Also it is important to receive the opinion of an expert.

Methods of prevention of recidivism

The most effective prevention measures for the protection of varicose veins, is a healthy diet, which is desirable to adhere to and after the healing is complete. Among the main rules of prevention, we can mention:

  • Fair distribution of burdens, it is the standardization of working conditions;
  • Composed measured daytime mode with full to minimize stressful situations;
  • As the prevention of the bu, the funds course and is repeated every 2 to 4 months.

If the good observation of all the rules, you can count on the full issuance of this disease, such as varicose veins pelvic varicose veins in women. About this will show some signs. It is long on the time of the remission, a significant improvement of the mode of life and the appearance of the skin. When it is correctly spent treatment the patient is completely restored hormonal processes.


Intelligently conceived and carried out by the acute and chronic therapy of varicose veins able to have a positive impact on physical health, as well as on the total of the state psycho-emotional. The deliberate absence of treatment can lead to some complications - uterine bleeding dysfunctional, infection of the uterus, and a number of appendices, the sensation of pain of a different nature and the thrombosis of the veins located in the watershed.

The symptoms of the help are turning to the women, whose ages ranged from 25 to 46 years old. As only patients reaches menopause, the disease will be much more difficult, and greatly increases the risk of complications. On the bottom standing bleeding, there is risk of suffering from a thrombosis, to demonstrate seriousness to the inflammatory process.

To summarize

The pathology is the result of the illiteracy rate to be built out of life and has a direct impact on the life. In a timely manner and responsible for the treatment able to effectively halt the development of the disease, in addition, to completely heal. For this reason, if it is important to be very careful about the signs of the condition and ask a professional.

prevention of varicose veins

Prediction of the outcome of the pathology in the pelvic region directly depends on a large number of important points – the degree of development, localization, complications, and comorbidities. If no bleeding, the prediction will be assured to be favourable. A review of the recommendations of a specialist, more than 80% of patients obtain a positive effect.